Oh dear! I have suddenly developed a raging appetite for iPhone art aps!
All it took was one sweet photo of a quick toe snack...

Which was then morphed in to MobileMonet...
(LOVE this look!)

Then I took the original photo into an oil painting via Oil Painting Effect...
Then the oil painting version photo got another layer via the Monet ap.photo.
I even put the paint version photos through my iphone enhance feature to pop the colors. Oh boy...this could get to be a serious bit of artistic gluttony!
I suppose it says something about one's personality if one prefers oil or water color or pen and ink.
I am not going to think too much about that...I've got several thousand photos taken over the years to play with. It is snowing like crazy with clumpy flakes right now; I think I have found a fun way to enjoy my day!
Which version do you like the best?
Any guesses why you prefer the one you do?
(And does anyone have any bright ideas how these photos could be printed on watercolor or canvas???)
Jill, you are having waaaaaay too much fun!
I think you might be able to get the photos printed on canvas through Costco. I know that one of big drug stores on the island also does it.
Oh boy, this is so tempting. Are these all different apps? Waterlogue, Oilogue, etc? So much fun!
Oh Jill - this is amazing!! I love them all. What a sweet baby - how could you go wrong with that image? I'd like to try printing/framing some of mine too and will take Pondside's advice about Costco.
It is so much fun to play with our photos.
You really captured such an adorable photo with your little guy!
I like the second one the best - a pencil sketch? It defines all the cute lines.
I'm guessing these are apps for iPhones. I can't find similar (and suitable) ones for my Droid.
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