Quick borrowing time on Laura's computer showed that pictures were missing yesterday.
Above: the Patio cushy chair has become an overstuff chair.
The paska is perfect.
Quick borrowing time on Laura's computer showed that pictures were missing yesterday.
Above: the Patio cushy chair has become an overstuff chair.
After a full day of wind and dust blowing in on Tuesday, we were warned a big storm was on its way on Wednesday.
As soon as we looked out the window in the morning, Bernie broke out his ski gear.
Tiggie struck a pose next to the ski camel back. He (Tiggie) is quite content to let skiers do what they do while he naps and stays warm.
I got an odd call at work: the ski lift operator at Solitude was calling from Bernie phone.
"Is this Bernie's wife?" a voice asked.
Er...yes.....(now what???? I fretted)
Turns out that his cell phone had escaped from his pocket, and a kindly fellow skier had turned it in. That hint about putting a word describing a relationship after a name paid off. The ski life operator had opened Bernie's phone, and saw "Jill-wife" listed right away in the address book.
I headed home early, and B. had just come back from the slopes.
"You find your phone?" I asked as I swung in the door.
He was SO relieved to learn that his business phone had been turned in!
We jumped back into the car that had AWD (it was STILL snowing...) and headed up the mountain.
The picture above is Solitude ski center.
The picture below is of the ski lift where Bernie's cell phone was turned it.
Today....well, it snowed all day yesterday and then all night too.
The "cushy" patio chair now is an "overstuffed" chair.
I made Paska before I went to bed. The fragrance of paska cooling is a wonderful way to head to dreamland.
(FYI: Tax Freedom Day is the day each year upon which one's tax burden is finally met. For us here in Utah, we fork over every dollar we earn between Jan 1 and April 11th to pay our taxes.)
Is it just me, or does it seem like the more we work the more we have to work?
I was looking at THIS or THIS website; it showed many kinds of charts to assist with the visualization of how much we are now working to just keep this country running...and actually going deeper into debt anyway.
(Canadians are welcome to check out their own charts HERE.)
You know what really bothers me the most?
The fact that almost all women work now and pay taxes.
How was it way back before the Feminist Revolution that for the most part families and our country survived on just one income-the husbands?
Sure, lots of women worked before the Feminist step up to the plate, and even back in Biblical times women were "praised" for being good business women (read the Virtuous Wife passage in Psalms; she apparently was into real estate and marketing fashion sashes.)
I'm not suggesting that women should never work outside the home. However, I'm about ready to suggest that until the government can figure out how not to go amok spending our dough, we women re-think a bit how our work enables overspending.
Women used to provide a lot of what is now called "Social Services". We nursed the sick, tutored the learning challenged, sheltered friends and family when they were down and out. I have a feeling we women did it with a lot more accountability too...figuring out how to do these services inexpensively. I like to also think that women provided a degree of dignity to those that they cared for, inspiring, with love, the recipients to be responsible for whatever they could provide.
The Christian who gives to the poor, tends the sick, and cares for the needy is a different person than the person who is forced to do the same under penalty of law.
In my world, a demand that you MUST hand over your time or money or suffer consequences is something I called "Stealing".
I seem to remember a commandment against that.
And I remember a greater commandment too: to love your neighbor as yourself.
What is more loving: to funnel money through many governmental hands to fund governmental programs, or to provide one-on-one to the needy?
Well, darn. I guess I am still too young brained. Apparently my brain still wants to pay attention to these unhappy sort of unresolveable things.
Anyone know a fast way to age one's brain?
Are the anti-aging creams and lotions that I slather on my face seeping down through my face and onto my brain?
(More facinating articles about the brain can be found HERE )
Our pharmacist in his Easter finest: Another good Easter-tide indication.
(He agreed to a picture when I explained I needed proof that I was not imagining that a giant rabbit was dispensing potions and pills that morning!)
And lavender bunnies all in a row.
Everyone smile!
(hee hee hee...)
Oh Oh OH!!!!
The little pink chickie...
Is growing....
And growing!
That Baby Bird is almost as big as Big Bird now!
Or maybe we should call them "Performance Art" Peeps.
This fact is the one drawback when blowing up peeps, at least in one young lad's opinion.
(The "lad" is out of town right now with his wife and in-laws, otherwise he would have been right there with me again blowing up spring time marshmallow critters!)
Once a mother of a son, always the mother of a son...explosion appreciation comes with the territory.
For those who were wondering what the "perfect" card that Gail sent to her younger sister said (roughly from memory):
" You may be another year older..."
Then inside:
"But I'm still your Big Sister"
(Oh how fun it must be to be a big sister, and to taunt your little sister forever!)
She has a knack of finding just the right card
to send to
just the right person
at just the time.
(Like she did to me with the Easter Hat card pictured above.)
The next year Gail sent her the same card all over again.
That happened years ago...and I am still laughing about it right now.
(And now maybe you are too!)