A local organization held a fund raising luncheon which was to include a silent auction, a fashion show, a bit of musical entertainment, and a hat contest.
A "Mad Hatter's Luncheon" it was entitled and I knew I didn't want to attend.
I know something about any hat event that is entitled "Mad Hatters."
It is invariably an excuse for women to go wild with glue guns, feathers, and junk from their kid's toys chest all in the name of making a funny hat.
The results inevitably is pictures in the
newspaper of women looking
ridiculous because they don't have the poise or self confidence to own their own beauty. Instead they make a joke of themselves, and everyone laughs at them, and then the next time someone mentions hats all that can be remembered are the
ludicrous hats.
Now I am a huge fan of witty hats. Classic hat designers have always made witty interesting and stylish hats.
But trust me on this...those hats do not involve flashing lights, toy
Indians and assorted garishly colored thrift shop discoveries.
I regretted that it was to be a Mad Hatter luncheon, because I really did want to go see the fashion show.
Mr. B. felt totally differently about my decision. "You
must go!" he proclaimed several times as he noted announcements published in our local paper. "Get some business cards printed up, wear your Easter hat and GO!"
Laura agreed that I must go, and agreed to attend with me.
I want nothing to do with anything that makes women go out of their way to mock millinery.
But....this contest was to be judged for hats in the
category of :
"Most Beautiful"
"Best Ensemble"
"Best Group"
"Most Humorous" (
sigh)"Best Theme"
So we put on our hats and went to the luncheon today.
See the winning hats below!
Best theme, third place.
Most Beautiful, Second Place
Most Beautiful, second place, another view. That is live rosemary on that hat.
Best Ensemble, first place.
Best Ensemble, second place.
The woman whose fashion collection was featured.
LOVE the hat! (She didn't compete, but obviously should have won best ensemble.)
Another peacock inspired hat...not a winner.
The highlight of the afternoon: Meeting another vintage hat collector with over 175 hats in her collection. Great classy vintage hat!
Best Theme Hat: First Place
I always wonder when ladies show up at hat events with huge hair, no hat, and then take pictures of the silliest of the hats in the room...
I also strongly disapprove of ladies who remove their hats and dump them under their chairs during lunch.
Why not kick off your shoes, peel your earrings and necklace and rings off too?
Shed all of your
accessories at once and get comfy...or better yet, why not wear things that don't bother you in the first place?
Laura and I entered the Most Beautiful Hat
category. We walked up to the judges for the
category of Most Beautiful and Best Ensemble.
One judge (male) asked the other judge (female) if by Ensemble did they mean group.
Neither of them were sure what the term ensemble meant in this instance.
(This was my first clue that the judges were not very serious about their job.)
Since there was already a
category for Best Group, I assured them that in this case it meant how well the entire outfit (hat, dress, jewelry, shoes, purse) went together.
I promise I said it with a winsome helpful tone.
I dithered about going with Best Ensemble, since my hat was made to go with my outfit.
A decision was handed down: You could only enter in one category.
One judge said to me "Nice flower. It goes with your dress."
I said "Thank you. I made the hat to go with the dress, made the flowers and the hat both. I also made my daughter's hat and flowers."
The judges said "oh."
They were both seated.
As they looked up at us standing over them, I wondered how they could possibly be judging our hats.
Laura said we both should enter Most Beautiful Hat
It killed me to later learn only two people entered for ensemble. I could have at least come in third!
Later in the luncheon the Master of Ceremony encouraged all the ladies who had entered the Hat Contests to be sure to let the judges know who they were in terms of "dropping names."
"Let them know if you are
somebody's daughter, or have a local business, or want to bribe them."
And the winners of the MOST BEAUTIFUL HATS were...
Yes...the three hats in the picture above!

A close up of the First Place winner for the Most Beautiful Hat.
(Remember, the male judge was seated as he made his decision about the hat. See the group shot above for details!)
Yup, it was the First place award winning, picture in the newspaper flat out gorgeous...hat that won!
And she was an award winner last year too, for her hat made of fresh tulips in a flower pot, that she entitled "Pot Head."
So creative isn't she?
(Actually she is very nice, and owns a local floral shop...the flowers on the table were lovely.)
I wonder if she knows about the San Diego OTL tournament? She should think about trying out for Miss Emerson. I'd bet she'd win that too! (That's a San Diego insiders joke...)
One of the Best Groups: Black and White for a musical group. I thought they were pretty stylish.
Another winner in Theme.
Some of the sewing items had belonged to her mother.
A close up of Laura's hat. It was the hat I made to wear last Easter....
(No, I guess it really isn't that beautiful compared to the other winners.)
One of the ladies who won as part of a Best Group
category. Little plastic tennis rackets are on the hat...the ladies all play tennis together. A hat that is clearly worthy of an award don't you think???
I did think it was cute that group of tennis jocks even entered the contest actually. The whole group got their picture taken for the newspaper.
After the luncheon was over Laura and I walked back out to the parking lot to leave. Along the side walk were these beautiful flowers.
Three gentlemen who were leaving the golf course on the grounds walked across our path.
"Oh, beautiful Southern Belles" one man said as he tipped his hat at us.
What can I say?
I handed my business card to the hat collector and the lady who presented the fashion show. Other than that I spent the time at the event complimenting ladies on their hats and attire, and avoiding Laura's elbow as I occasionally forgot to bite my tongue about joke hats.
One woman asked if we two were an ensemble.
I guess we were.
It just depends on which definition you use:
A unit or group of complementary parts that contribute to a single effect, especially:
A coordinated outfit or costume.
A coordinated set of furniture.
A group of musicians, singers, dancers, or actors who perform together: an improvisational theater ensemble; a woodwind ensemble. So here's Miss Didn't Win Most Beautiful Hat.
Didn't win Miss Best Ensemble.
Not Best Group.
Not Best Ensemble, secondary definition.
All I can say is having Laura with me anywhere makes me feel like I won every prize in the universe.
Since the camera was out...You-Know-Who had to get in the act. He stood at Laura's feet trying to be the center of attention.
Boy was he surprised when she picked him up real suddenly.
She whispered something in his ear...
And gave him a kiss.
He was good and didn't even scratch her!
I think they have at last become friends.
(Special PS to KBP: Re Hat contests: I can hear you say "I told you so! all the way from DC!)