So here it is, the second day of August.
(Be prepared...not a lot happened today....)
Luke was dropped off at 8 am.
Bernie and I had coffee out on the deck while it was still cool.

Tate joined us too.

Luke got scratchy Grandpa kisses then Bernie went to work in his office downstairs.
The rest of the cats went with him.

Luke kicked back for a bit, then we tried swinging in the hammock.
Usually he falls asleep that way.
After he woke up, Bernie and I harvested green beans, yellow beans and purple bean, broccoli, tomatoes, and one white eggplant from our garden.
(Am I boring you yet?)
The three of us played a round of "Bowling for Cats".
That involves tossing the apples that have fallen from our apple tree across the lawn for whatever cat is in the yard to chase.
It really is a fun game.
Especially when you aren't sure exactly how many cats are in the yard while you are doing it.
Sometimes neighbor cats join in the fun, exploding out from under bushes to chase the apples flying along.

Luke took another nap then we three went to the airport to drop Bernie off.
He's in San Diego for a couple of days.

I drove up Mill Creek Canyon while Luke took another nap on the way home.
He got fed, then we visited with the 3 and 2 year old girls next door for a bit.
Jeff came by and collected his boy.
I went outside again...alone this time.

The apples are weighing heavily on the tree right now.

Seems like an awful lot of them are falling off the tree while just a bit larger than a golf ball.
The ground is littered with red globes that add color to the shady green garden beneath the tree.

Around six pm.
I swear it has been topping off at 100 degrees ever since June 1st.
This totally demotivates me.
(I got gardening done early yesterday morning and after that and a trip to Chick-fil-a, little else was done).

For awhile I sat and tried to photograph the hummingbirds that feed every few minutes.

I've taken better hummer shots with my point and shoot camera.
After a few minutes I decide it really is too hot to stay outside to do photography.

Heading downstairs to the computer where it is much cooler, I wake Tate up.
He yawns...

And yawns...

And yawns...
(He actually yawned six times in a row. Too bad a cat's yawn isn't really very cute.)

Eventually he got off his blanket and took a stretch before going back to sleep...this time on the floor.

Are you
shocked at how boring a truly lovely day can be?
Dog days of summer are here.
So what exciting things are you doing?