Yes, it was bright and early when the alarm clock went off on Saturday morning.
And it was promptly shut off.
We wound up sleeping in to just before ten am. While I got ready to go, Bernie went down to grab a plate of breakfast for us to eat in the room. Can you guess what famous southern style breakfast we enjoyed?
Hint: It wasn't grits!)I had only been in South Carolina for a day and a half, and already we were leaving to go where the leaves were heart shaped.

Where hot yellow Marine owned muscle cars taunted other cars.
Nay Nay indeed!
So where were we now?
First in Flight: North Carolina! In
Ashville to be precise.
Why were we there?
To finally get to visit the biggest privately built house in America!
(We had reserved tickets once before and were unable to go there for some reason...this adventure had been a long time in coming!)
Biltmore: The country getaway home of Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderbilt.
For six years, George built the place when he was a
bachelor; the mansion became the home of his new bride Edith in 1898. (She who captured the heart of the man that everyone wonder would ever be caught.)
The story of their "homecoming" after meeting aboard ship, marrying in France and honeymooning in Europe rivaled any romantic story in print.

was greatly dismayed to learn that no photos or even sketching was allowed inside. With a new mega chip and stoked up battery in my camera I was ready to have a photographic field day.
The picture above is the outside of the conservatory room just inside and to the right of the house's entry way.
Twin lions guarded the steps to the entry. (
We missed our Tiggie!)
Inside the house's 4 acres of floor space are:
250 rooms
34 bedrooms
43 bathrooms
65 fireplaces
Breakfast room
Billard room
Music room
and much more...
The banquet hall is seven stories high, like a banqueting hall in an ancient castle.
Oh, and it has a full pipe organ installed in one wall so the diners can enjoy music while they dine.
The basement alone housed a swimming pool (with underwater lighting!) gymnasium and changing rooms, bowling alley, servants' quarters, kitchens, and more.
Mr. Vanderbilt had a gorgeous two story library in which resides
Napoleon Bonaparte's chess table and chess set. The table, we were informed, was where
Napoleon's heart was placed during his autopsy.
I assume it was in a container of some sort.
Each room had a person assigned to be a host and to answer visitor's questions. We were using an audio tour, but when I came to the library I had a question: What was the last book added to the library?
I stumped the hostess. She admitted no one had ever asked her that question! Everyone wanted to know the title of the oldest book.
Maybe if you go you can ask and see if she has looked the answer up ;-)
Photography as allowed on the balcony. The Blue Ridge Mountains rolled away past the green pastures and woodlands.
It was easy to imagine being a real guest and sitting out on the balcony on the cool wicker chairs, enjoying the view, the fragrances on the breezes and conversations with George or Edith or other interesting guests.
There really was a nice breeze that billowed through the sheer window curtains in the bedrooms. I could imagine being a guest in one of the guest bedrooms and awaking to sweet fragrance and beautiful view.
It was no small balcony!
Vanderbuilt not only had a magnificent taste in architecture, he also had a fabulous collection of 15
th century tapestry, art prints, and color combinations.
His wife Edith was very into photography so lots of pictures exist of the frolics at
Biltmore. You can see some of her photographs in a
slideshow and glimpses into some of the rooms
HERE. Her pictures of her only daughter Cornelia and the five St.
Bernards that shared the home would have made for classic blogging materials.
George wanted his home to function as a "get-away" from his famous Vanderbilt upbringing and celebrity status of the day. His dad was
uber rich as were his brothers. George didn't work to expand the Vanderbilt empire; instead he took his portion of the inheritance and plowed it into his North Carolina home and gardens and traveling about the world.
The most important thing to the couple was that
Biltmore feel like a home and that visitors would feel at home via their hospitality.
They succeeded. Despite the massive proportions of the house, it was easy to imaging hanging out with friends, relaxing, reading, having tea etc in a very "get-away country weekend" sort of way.
The part I would have found hard was that back in that time period it was common to change your "costume" six or seven times a day. Each change could eat up almost an hour of time; and required the services of a maid to "do you up". No hanging around in comfy sweats or shorts and tee shirts back then!

While George was into automobiles, he still included an impressively large stable as part of the estate's plan.
With a lovely butter shade of tiled walls and artistic iron work about each stall, the stable today serve (all cleaned up of course!) as a
restaurant for visitorsSome of Edith's pictures hung on the wall.
(She would have made a great blogger!~)
Here's a splash of history for you to justify trolling around
blogdom instead of doing serious things.
Just click on the picture to see the print get a whole lot bigger!
Or do like I did: select the menu's dessert sampler to make a whole lot bigger you...
For lunch I had a delicious Sampler Platter of Carolina
barbecues that had me making enthusiastic
ummmmyummm sounds.
Stable Café Sampler Platter included:
Spice-rubbed Smoked Ribs
Pulled Pork
BarbequeRotisserie Chicken,
Collard Greens
Corn & Green Chili
SpoonbreadHouse-made Sweet Pickles
Cornbread with Honey Butter Served
with sweet tea of course!
I was in southern heaven. Bernie opted for a
cobb salad which he deemed the best he had ever had. Go figure! How often do you find great reasonably priced food at places that have tours?
Feel free to check out the
other menu items. It has a great selection of traditional southern foods.
The dessert sampler plate pictured above included:
Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pie
Banana Pudding
Almond Brownie
Key Lime Cheesecake
(I advise taking a wardrobe of loose fitting clothes to wear while visiting the south. Because of the heat and all...certainly not because it is so difficult to avoid finding delicious tasting food everywhere.)
The restaurant was in the stable, but other rooms lead up to where the horses were kept. They had been re-purposed for shops.
I'm not much of a one for collecting dolls, but this shop could have gotten me wanting to start.
Notice how almost all the dolls are wearing hats?
Cute, cute, cute!
The doll room actually was originally the saddle room. The metal forms still attached to the walls were used to store
straddles back in the day.
Now that's a hat!

Even a simple hat looks great on a doll.
(And no, Vicki, I don't think she looks like
The sock monkey who was almost a tall as a child made me think of fellow blogger and sock monkey fan Dawn.
In other shops there were interesting candy treats available...

Tempting books...
Glorious china (this is a
tureen. Like anyone would dare to actually serve soup from it!)
Fragile and heavily detailed china cups (like anyone would serve tea in this? Oh, well, actually, I guess I would!)
And you could buy your own set of the
Vanderbuilt's china pattern.

I realized if I was suddenly very very rich I would want one of these music boxes that allowed one to stack a collection of punched out circular music discs for a steady sweet music box sound in the back ground.

Above is a photo of the stable's
roofline. In addition to the stable and saddle room, there was a blanket room, tack room, and a few other rooms that not being horsey minded, I can't recall.
There was a rather large courtyard within the U shaped building; I could imagine long ago guests meeting up in the courtyard before galloping off to the woods.
It is possible to bring your own horse, if you happen to have one, to the
Biltmore Equestrian Center to enjoy riding around the grounds and whatnot, or even rent one a
Biltmore horse for the day if you prefer. There are 80 miles of riding trails around the place, that should keep a horse and it's person happy for awhile!
And if you are non-horse inclined, you can take to the trails on
Segways, bikes, hikes or carriage rides.
(If you plan on hitting the southern food like we did, may I suggest the bike/hike option perhaps?)
Looking out from the stable courtyard and back at the house proper. There is a tour offered of just the roof tops. I think that would be very, very interesting to take!
How's this for a cool shot? (Yeah for optical zoom!)

Looking up at the same gargoyles....

Next up: Let's step into the Biltmore Gardens, shall we?
To be continued!