Eleven pipers piping...that's a lot of plumbers, or cake decorators or Scottish musician... or is it the faithful disciples?
Still cold here.
Brrr. Yesterday I ran errands all over the town, shivering, and went to Barnes and Nobel Books in a quest to find a good book that will unlock the mysteries of
Photoshop for me. It would have been a
really good idea to have noted which version of
Photoshop I own, as there are several and each book is specific to the version.
In a odd combination of events, in today's
For Better or For Worse comic, the two older women are lamenting that they now have age and images issues beyond what a good night's sleep or a cream will rectify. The final square of the comic noted that the only sure fix is
While I was at the bookstore I scanned through a
book on how not to look old by Charla Krupp.
The quick take:
Never wear holiday sweaters or you will look like an old lady (OL). At least I have given those up.
Never wear running shoes with jeans.
OL. As I looked at the book I was wearing my jeans with running shoes. High waisted jeans at that...which was serious a no-no. (I don't want to hear a word out of you about this
Lovella! )
Never wear flesh colored nylon. OL. Only patterned, opaque color or fishnets (flesh tone) look young. I love fishnets, but have you ever gone to a party and worn fishnets and had the skin on the soles of your feet destroyed? I have...ouch.
Never wear lipstick that is any shade other than pale pink. I understand that, but I still feel washed out in pale lipstick.
Only wear natural pink or beige nail color on the hands. Oh
goodie, score one for me. Only because I chip nails so fast it just works better for me to skip the paint and just buff naturally.
Pants should never be higher than your hip bone, and thongs should be worn with the low cut pants. After three abdominal surgeries, all I can say is ouch. I wore low cut jeans and cords over Christmas to look younger; I should have just bent my tummy over a carving knife. Same feel, less cost.
As to thong panties:
Anyone who says I should wear a thong panties is gonna get hurt. Seriously hurt. I'm old enough to remember sanitary napkins held in place with a belt and a piece of shrapnel. It wasn't fun then, and pretty elastic and lace won't be enough to make it fun now.
Never wear penny loafers or flats. OL. Always wear heels, especially with your jeans. The author was around forty. Maybe younger. I want to see her talk about this in ten years. She says she always has THREE pairs of shoes with her: a low heel to walk to work, high heel for work, and stiletto heel for after work. She must drive her husband crazy. She is driving me crazy...who wants to hang out with someone who always hauls two extra pairs of shoes with her as she goes about her day?
Always wear bangs to look younger. And have hair that moves, and is longer. No dying hair dark. Got the longer and moving and no dying dark part down.
But the bangs part...ah...that caught me. The author had several pictures of
celebrities with and without bangs, and yeah, everyone pictured did look younger with bangs.
I painfully grew my bangs out about three years ago. Hot flashes and Houston humidity were making my bangs look drippy/stringy all the time, and it felt cooler to have the hair off my forehead. I grew my hair long so I could whisk it up and out of my way when I was out and about. It worked for me in terms of comfort and ease, even while I have not been really 100% sold on the look.
I've got a very high forehead, and have always, ALWAYS worn bangs, so it took a lot for me to get used to seeing this big slab of face over my eyebrows.
Anyway, the book got me thinking. I had read about a free feature on the Marie Claire website where you can upload a picture and try on different hairstyles. You can change the hair style, flip it so the part can be on either side, raise the hairline and lower it, make the hair bigger or smaller, streak it, all kinds of fun stuff. Pick different hair colors, streaks, add different lip colors, lip shapes, eyeliners, mascara (best part! More mascara please...!!!) blusher colors and pattern.
The virtual hair salon is
accessible here. Registration is required; it is free, and they don't bug you either.
I had Bernie snap a couple of picture of me with my hair back and I was up and trying on hair styles in no time.
If only doing the morning hair and make up routine was as easy as this!
I'd be interested in hearing what you think of the options. Please vote and let me know!

View #1: My current look, hair tucked behind ear.

View #2: Shorter, side swept bangs.

View #3: Current look, hair not behind ear.

View #4: Layers with
side swept bangs.

View #5: Straight bangs, side part.

View #6 Straight bangs, no glasses.

View #7: Shorter hair, side swept bangs, no glasses.

View #8: Hair pulled back, glasses (and no make up except mascara...I have
got to learn

View #9: Hair pulled back, no glasses.
I also glanced through Victoria Magazine's Jan/Feb issue while I was at B&N. There was a quote in there that if you won't be bothered with sylish shoes then wear a great hat, or something to that effect. Sara, if you have the magazine handy, maybe you can quote it for me.
I'd ammend that statment to: If you don't want to be bothered with sylish shoes and or stylish hair...just wear a great hat.
Oh so true.
(PS: If you want to try this virtual hairstyle/blog/vote thing, just print out your hairstyles, and take a picture of the picture. Then just blog the picture!)