Think about it...Christian Dior!

Dior is just such an iconic name in fashion.
Haven't all the most fashionable women always worn Dior?
(You are thinking hard right along with me about what one would need to wear to rock these Dior vintage designer hat...right???)
Maybe you just need to be young, confident and French to pull off the tiny blue bell field look with style.
Elsa Schiaparelli: The woman changed the fashion world back in 1920 and her designs graced the cover of all the fine fashion magazines and society events for decades.
No collection of historical fashion would be complete without a Schiaparelli.
(How about you? Any ideas yet? So far all I can come up with is a white dress like the mannequin is wearing. Or maybe a dark blue or olive green fitted dress? )The uber famous millinery designers totally went in big time for flowered bedecked hats in the late 1950s-early 1960s. Soon everyone was popping a poppy field on their head.
(I'm thinking white dress here again...a sleeveless shift would work with multicolored sandals...)
I actually can see myself in this hat..in a red sun dress or white (back to white again) shift.
I can TOTALLY see my daughter Laura rocking this hat.
I could also see this hat with a red veil....or with cat eye glasses, or big sunglasses.

Another "knock off" couture flowered hat.
(Skip the earrings, wear a white collared long tailed shirt and white pegged legged pants, and pointy green flats. Might work for a baby shower out fit. Or going to the art galleries. What do you think?)
The neckline on this view does work. I think I am seeing that to make a floral hat work, you need to show off collar bones.
Or what would happen if the dress had a high neck, and tight fitted sleeves and bodice, a "wiggle dress"?
Could a full fronted maternity dress work?
A long floaty gauze type shirt and leggings?
Well, I'm thinking I will never know the answers to what would make these hats work, at least on me.
They are ALL sized at 20-21 inches, and I wear almost a 23 inch size these day.
I guess they are to just perch on the top of one's head. In that case they would fit everyone.
Wouldn't it be a perfect summer time hoot to buy the whole collection and then invite all your girlfriends over for some chilled white wine and flowered hat wearing?
You would come if I invited you, wouldn't you?
This episode of "Grown Up Mental Paper Dolls" was brought to you thanks to THIS ebay site.
Hats were offered at a starting price between $25 to $75 USD.
The mental imagination exercise was available for free.
Wow. I certainly enjoyed envisioning with you as to the appropriate dress and style to wear with these hats. If I were, perhaps, much taller and much thinner and more stately and self-confident...yeah, it might work. I could maybe be daring enough to wear the one with the big red flower (on the model in the red dress), but...well, it might be much more appropriate on your Laura. Maybe even my Laura. I enjoyed playing dress-up! :)
I am so sorry to say that I do not grace hats well. My daughter on the other hand looks fabulous in almost any hat. I live out my hat enjoyment vicariously through her...
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