Sunday, March 25, 2007

When you work extra hours, you get a bonus

In my case, it was a case of the flu. The high fever and ache all over go to bed with tylenol and wait for it to pass kind of flu that started Friday morning.

I'm feeling better this morning. But I'm going to be taking it slow.

I'm glad it's not avian. That's a lot to be glad about.

1 comment:

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh my goodness, yes . . .a thousand times yes . . thank goodness its not the avian.

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
. . Better have a softly poached egg and phone Dr. Laura and ask her what is to be done next. Me thinks, she will suggest a cup of tea and back to bed.

I'd be terribly interested to know what other suggestions there might be for having you back on your feet, hat in place and back to your adventures as quickly as possible.