Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Springtime visitor

The best thing about digital cameras is that you can just keep shooting and shooting and shooting those fluttery black butterflies, until you finally get one right. Or close enough.

Close. Not perfect. But close.
These two azalea bushes are almost up to my chin. I can see them from our bedroom window, the bath tub windows, and from another angle, from the living room window.

They look like they are here for the Easter celebration, a cloud of pink and white, so feminine, but most likely in less than a week they'll be done.
Oh well.
I can always look at the pictures, and remember.
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Becky said...

Those are beautiful! We are almost there with our blooming trees. The ornamental plums, some whiter varietis of cherry trees and some of the tulip or magnolia trees are taking bloom. A magnifi-scent time of year! :)

Lovella ♥ said...

How fun, I was just busy snapping with my macro setting yesterday. I love the butterfly you captured. I only found a bee.

It won't be long and our azaleas will be blooming as well.

I just love spring. How fortunate that we can share our springs and lengthen the blooming time.