Mostly, though, it is the rain that is keeping me up. Thunder wouldn't bother me. We aren't having any thunder, just noisy windy rain.
A heavy enough down pour that I checked the Weather website.
There's a tornado watch.
We get lots of those. It just means that conditions are such that a tornado would be possible.
A tornado warning means a tornado is actually happening or about to happen.
My "ignorance is bliss" is kaput now. I cheerfully sleep through watches all the time. This time, I'm wide awake.
So I took a picture to share with my dear readers. That's the rain lit up by the spot light outside my office window in the front of the house. There's a small stream running down the street too.
We won't flood, but I am sure there are folks in Houston right now who are loading up stuff to avoid flooding damage.
A crummy way to spend the night for them. By daybreak the local news will fill us in on who is going to be filing insurance claims and needing to figure a different way to get to work around flooded roads.

Any where, any time.

See you in the morning.

These Houston rains --- they just won't quit sometimes. Zoe and I got soaked three times yesterday, just running our Sunday errands. But, hey, we didn't melt.
AAAwwwww!!!! Tiggie cute!!! Grandpa S say's "that's my friend. Where's old wide-body?"
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