Ribbon flowers created by me.
Finally decided to do a bias drape after fighting a wide satin pink ribbon that did nothing for the hat.
How many times did I block it?
One low crown, one high crown, (see prior post!) one inverted crown with flat brim,
and finally....
Tally ho!
A riding hat shape galloped into my creative mind's eye, as I walked between the kitchen and the hat room.
This hat and the purple "It's the Berries" hat are for sale!
I plan to propose doing a trunk show at a local shop, but that is still in the dream stage. Get 'em before the merchant jacks up the price!

Gorgeous! I wish you well, Jill!
Kate Q:-)
W-O-W!!!!!!!!! What an utterly fantastic hat!!!! 4th times the charm! I'm impress mom! Pip-pip and Cheerio!!! Let the races begin!
Hey Jill, I like it!
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