Isn't this face just adorable???
Six week old Basset Hound puppies!
Our neighbor's have two Basset Hounds, and now they have puppies too.
Such a great face on this serious.
He looks like his Dad...a very serious dog.
But then there is this little guy with the super duper loooonnnggg ears.
And just look at those great big puppy feet!
There was seven in the litter. And now they are at the stage where chewing is their favorite thing.
Max, (their human dad) is smart: he offers them work glove clad hands and all seven of the puppies manage to find a finger or thumb to chew.
I went over just to get my fill of puppy breath.
Ahhh...isn't puppy breath simply wonderful?
Of course I kept picking up puppies and giving them kisses and then picking up another puppy and kissing that one too...
Fine looking baby Basset wouldn't you say?
They are ready to leave the nest...frankly seven Basset puppies is a lot of puppies to have around.
Mostly black Dad has a look that says it all doesn't it?
Mom looks a tad "done" with the whole parenting thing too.
We won't be adding a dog to our household...we've had three dogs in our marriage, sporting dogs they were, and I just never could quite get the hang of enjoying a dog's company.
Cats are just SO much easier to own.
This week I am also helping out our next door neighbors by walking their white boxer Claus twice a day.
It is good exercise... and a good reason to borrow a dog from time to time.
They are really cute when they belong to someone else. :0)
I'll have to try to get some good shots of the 2 cats that live where we are staying this week...
They are sweet and I hope they all find good homes. Yes, the parents look beat. Ha!
I agree with you, now that I am a dog owner for the first time, cats are so much easier.
Oh adorable!!! I LOVE puppy breath. The hardest thing about my trip to Sicily was leaving my Poco behind for a week. So glad to be home with him again. Guess one is either a cat or a dog person. I'm most definitly the latter. K Q;-)
They're so adorable! I love dogs, but they are a bit more "needy" than cats. However, as easy as cats are, I love the devotion a dog shows to its owner. I enjoy being a grandma to several dogs but I don't think I want the responsibility of taking in another dog again.
Oh my goodness! They are adorable!!!! Meowm had a bassett and she just adores them!
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