He would have been 201 years today. His birthday will be celebrated as part of "President's Day" on Monday. Not his birthday specifically....he now shares Monday's holiday spotlight with another President. Or at least for now it is with just with one other President.
I wonder how long the grouping will remain so exclusive.
I'd like to think Mr.Lincoln would be pleased with how our Nation is doing now. I think he'd probably be really pleased with a lot of things, like how we have progressed with our racial issues, science, and medical skills.
I think if he were to learn about our national debt, international concerns, and morals he would feel a need to go lie down.
Probably in the Lincoln bedroom. (hee hee...)
At least there still is a Lincoln bedroom in the White House.
Or at least I think there still is. I wonder if it still has Mr. Lincoln's picture in it?
I hear from those who have visited the White House recently that the whole place has been done over with pictures of our current President everywhere. One person reported that there were 300 pictures of Mr. O in just one area...and get this: the photographs of him are updated weekly.
I do hope today at least a couple of pictures of Mr. Lincoln will be included in the mix today.
It would be an appropriate gesture in his honor, don't you think?
Have a good one today...and best of luck to all who are entering the Olympic arena tonight!
The good ole days when we had such special school events on the 12th for Lincoln and the 22nd? for George. I didn't know about those photos in the White House of Pres.O. Yikes...gives new meaning to "It's all about me"
good grief...what an ego.
what has been done with all the priceless
paintings that have been sufficient for all
preceding presidents?
happy birthday, mr. lincoln!
good grief...what an ego.
what has been done with all the priceless
paintings that have been sufficient for all
preceding presidents?
happy birthday, mr. lincoln!
good grief...what an ego.
what has been done with all the priceless
paintings that have been sufficient for all
preceding presidents?
happy birthday, mr. lincoln!
Oh, that's too bad ... what happened to honoring our role models? HOw can your own picture be inspiring? Maybe I shouldn't say anything since I'm CDN.
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