Today's Houston Chronicle has just the thing for you. It carried a fabulous photo collection of hats and included the pictures online for all of us to enjoy!
The Chronicle article was about the Hermann Park Conservancy fundraising hat-themed spring luncheon, and the ladies of Houston turned out in hatty style for the event.
It helped a lot that Philp Treacy had just recently been in town promoting his millinery collection; he was the millinery designer of choice for the event. Remember my whine awhile back abouth the fact that he dropped by my millinery school, and I wasn't there to enjoy it?
Both ladies pictured below are in Treacy designs. No word on who made the gent's hat.
It (and he) is quite handsome too!
My favorite hat:

How sweet is that? I'd love to have that happen...and just think, it wasn't that long ago that designers used to regularly design a hat to go with their suits.
You can enjoy seeing some of the other hats that were worn to the event by clicking HERE.
(In the online pictures you will see the black and white hat worn by Lynn Wyatt. It was a gift to her from Treacy. Wyatt had entertained Treacy while he was in Houston. Now that is one cool little hostess gift! Mr. Treacy...I have a nice guest room, and I'd love to entertain you if you are ever in Houston again! Drop by anytime! We'd love to have you come stay!)
Oh, my goodness!!! I like the pink one with HUGE roses. Hats in Houston and we didn't know about it! Shame on me!
I like the white one with the black puff and, of course, the one you like. Fabulous!
I like that first hat! Well, I like all of them, but that first one is really stunning. Pink and green again! I do so love that combination (though I've never worn it, I wonder why) those green suits and that enormous corsage. It looks great on the person wearing it...
Thanks for the millinerial inspiration.
Oh Jill, thanks for sharing all that. The ZT PT collaboration stunning, simply brilliant and stunning.
Enjoyed the entire thing and must have view all the slide in the link at least twice.
Ahhh, so nice.
Such wonderful hats!
I'm going to start collecting hat pictures in Marrakech.
Unfortunately, not too many older people like having their pictures taken.......
The Houston garden party looks very elegant.
I love your Easter Eggs at the top of your blog ... and I love the look of your blog in my favorite colors !!
And of course I like the hats ! I have always loved pink and green .. it is the color combination of spring - and my old kitchen!
Don't you think its time Lovella came back home ? Her silent blog just isn't the same without its daily updates !!!
I dig the Tom Mix looking hat the man is wearing with the two's real campy! These gals are done up amazingly! I just love it, it gave me a real rush to see them.
It's my understanding that Lynn Wyatt flew Treacy into town when she heard that Neiman Marcus was getting ready to close their millinery department. Don't know if it's true but I do know that HHN was not involved until after the fact. Too, too bad. Treacy was said to have said that he didn't know Houston ladies wore hats!
K Q:-0
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