I just love having breakfast with family!
Sitting around the table, having coffee, reading the newspaper, watching the birds and the rain outside, all of us still slightly rumpled from a good night's sleep.
No place we have to be, except to be together.
It is bliss for me.
Total bliss.
So....what do ya wanna do?
How about inviting in some old friends that we hadn't visited with in a while?
Remember her?And this guy....
Wow...Miss Scarlett hasn't aged a day!
After a quick shut down of the computer, it was time to get a clue.
Hee hee hee....Col. Mustard did it.
Jeff won twice. I personally am clueless.
(Isn't playing old old board games with family on a rainy Saturday afternoon just the best????)
For the grandparents: Here's a good picture of our Miss Scarlett.
Laura is currently working at a hospital in Salt Lake City and living in the guest room at Jeff's house. It is the first time they have lived together since they were teenagers; what a difference ten years makes.
Jill, the board game is evidence that you enjoy each others company. Wow, what a gift, a treasure and a fist full of memories to take you till the next time.
Miss Scarlet is just as gorgeous as I remembered. It's been a while since I pulled that game out.
That sounds like an ideal day to me! Family, fun, and no outside distractions!
great family fun for a rainy Saturday... and beautiful children... you must be very proud!!
Oh my goodness! Those pictures of Laura are STUNNING. What a proud mama you must be.
Awww, such a lovely family. Looks like a very good time of home fun.
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