At that VE show, there was a fashion show uncovering (get the pun?) the history of Lingerie from 1840 to 1950.
Oh la la...and wowzer.
I gained a new appreciation of corseting, which was at one time needed to keep females from looking like they were in snow suits, after donning multiple layers of undergarments.
And I was exposed (oh gads, potentially another pun...) to hand sewn peach silk and hand-made lace lingerie from about 1910 to 1940.
What was at the show was out of my price range...or at least what my mind thought was out of my price range. But the addiction had taken hold.

And like any collecting person knows, the next thing that will dominate a lot of your time is search ebay to find a bit of collecting heaven.
Ebay prices on vintage lingerie are rising. There are several on line vintage lingerie stores as well, with eye popping prices.

What stops me from buying everything I see is the knowledge that I (at 33" waist this morning, and a 43 inch hip, after losing 4lbs so far) am too big to fit most of the lovely stuff.
I would love to buy and give to brides to be, instead of the tawdry nylon stuff that passes for romantic today. When I see a slip with a 34 inch bust or panties with a 24 inch waist, I want to buy, and hope I will be invited to a tasteful bridal event for a mere slip of a bride, who would drool over such elegance and history.
And I promise myself that I will lose weight and sometime soon will be wearing these kinds of items myself.
Photographed is my first purchase, a chemise.
I'll periodically post other items.
Oh, and added fun: since these items were hand made for the very wealthy, frequently they have the former owner's name or initials on the item. My fondest hope would be someday to find something with my own initials.
On something that fits.
As long as there is ebay, and VE, hope springs eternal for my quest.

1 comment:
Oooh la, la......so pretty. Well, I'll be going with you ladies to the VE show in February 2007. Need more vintage magazines!! And, Miss Gayle is going to model -- are you?
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