Last week one of my High School Facebook buddies tipped me off about the La Jolla Triva facebook page, and the La Jolla High School face book page.
The sites have gone viral in the past two weeks: what began as about thirty folks reading and commenting has swollen to around 900. The things I have learned about what went on at my High School and Junior High School has been simply astonishing.
(Eyes crossing here...smiling...and some frowns too...)
But the craziest fun was seeing this recipe posted by the younger sister of one of my classmates.
First I have to tell you that EVERYONE eagerly awaited Peanut Chew Tuesdays at Muirlands Junior High School. To arrive at school without the cash (like 50 cents?) needed to purchase the bars on Tuesday was a terrible thing.
To be delayed in getting to the cafeteria and discovering the peanut chews were all sold out...a disaster!
Now my friend was from an extremely gregarious family. They were high energy and would talk to anyone and made friends everywhere they went. I was jaw dropped to see that D. had the smarts to just go ASK the cafeteria ladies for a copy of the Peanut Chews recipe.
As a seventh or eight grader no less! I personally would never have dreamed of doing such a thing...
Anyhoo...for forty plus years I have from time to time recalled the chewy sweet peanut bars that were sold in squares and the wax paper that stained from the oil oozing and icing on the bar.
Never would I have ever imagined that my friend had a handwritten, straight from the horses mouth copy of that very recipe!
She posted a picture of her original handwritten recipe on Sunday; today, Tuesday, something like 48 comments have arrived:

Her mom (who is still a best buddy of my own mom) added the words jelly roll to indicate a jelly roll pan was an option.
The icing...just milk and powder sugar mix. Not worth giving directions for that!
As it stands right now as I write at least one person has whipped up a batch and said it was just as she remembered it to be.
I so want to make a batch myself...and probably will soon...calories be darned...
And as my friend said in the FB posting...she will NOT be held accountable for her spelling!
What a fun discovery for you. I think it is good to have the opportunity to go back sometimes, to how life used to be. I have my 40th HS anniversary in July. I only wish someone would bring a batch of these bars . They sound so delicious. I appreciate the recipe.
What fun! And an interesting Facebook page, no doubt. I can just imagine what revelations would occur on my high school page. Yikes!
The recipe sounds delicious - something my son-in-law would love because there's peanut butter and coconut in it.
Aren't walks down Memory Lane fun? You may be responsible for lots of people making these bars, if only to see if they're as good as you say.
I love the thought of Taste Bud Memory!
I'm thinking I might need to whip up some peanut chews in my test kitchen. And then maybe I'll share it with a few of my friends. Is that OK? :)
Hi Jill,
What a fantastic find...both the recipe and the facebook page. I can still remember so many names from my early years and every now and then I still see some one...or at least I think I do.
That recipe does look yummy. You will have to post a photo...if there are any left to take a picture of.
Sounds rich...I'm not a fan of peanuts, but Doc loves them. Is this anything like a PayDay candy bar?
How interesting that she kept that recipe card for all these years!
How cool is that! I might have to whip some up myself...
Until you mentioned the spelling I never even right past it without even blinking....
Butter?? I don't see it listed in the ingredients. Thanks.
No butter...D. verified that she mis-wrote butter when she meant peanut butter.
And yes...the recipe re-created the bars exactly as I remembered them to be!
Oh dear heavens! If you had not shown me what you baked in the latest post, I might have been rescued just in time. =D
What a blast. The bars look very tempting. I too would have to wrap them up an freeze them :)
What a precious post, oh my goodness!
There was a peanut butter bar in high school I got every Friday (how I was 90 pounds is anyone's guess, I ate like a pig!) It has chocolate on top, loved those too.
Haven't given them a thought in years till your fun post.
I LOVE peanut butter and am going to make these.
Thanks for the treasured memories and recipe - yum!
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