An arena filled with women; women who had come from nearby and far away.Wyoming and Idaho ladies had driven down for this event; other states and countries were represented too.
We were all at the Maverick Center this weekend for two days of an event entitled "Living Proof".
Our speaker was the internationally known speaker and writer Beth Moore.

The worship team was so energetic and the whole arena was up and singing along with joy and sometimes tears.
(It was right after the closing music of the first session that I looked around and realized for the very first time exactly why make up was forbidden for Christian women for so many years.
Pass the kleenex...blot those mascara runs, blusher and foundation smudges and lipstick smears.
If modern Christian women who once thought forbidding makeup was totally restrictive could have one look at themselves after a fervent worship session they would all rise up and demand to have that rule reinstated once again).
It was a glorious time, yes it was, yes it was.
The conference theme, taken from I Peter chapter one:
Five words:
When Jesus Christ is revealed.
Eight conference points:
1. Salvation finds it consummation...when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(We are saved and still being in process of being saved, until the when part happens.)
2. We will no longer feel like strangers...when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(Our current residence is a temporary one, no wonder we feel like strangers here on earth.)
3. For now fire burns off the fake in us, then Jesus Christ is revealed!
4. We will see the ultimate object of all our affections when Jesus Christ is revealed!
5. All will have gone according to plan when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(All those painful transitions and circumstances that life flowed in our directions: we will see that ALL was according to plan).
6. Sober up and act up until Jesus Christ is revealed.
(The multiple addictions designed to numb us so we will not act up and proclaim the truth: the need to sober up is a wide spread call to us all).
7. Love each other purely until Jesus Christ is revealed.
(Enough with this flippant saying "Love you!" business. Say I love you, put yourself out there to love, we can love only because HE first loved us).
8. All will be revealed when Jesus Christ is revealed.
After reading these eight proclamations, do you now understand why the tears flowed, the singing was loud and the time together was out of this world holy?
During the conference we all wrote down the words: I am a stranger temporarily residing in...adding the name of where we currently lived at the end.
After moving so many times, I know first hand the feeling of being a stranger and how hard it can be. What seemed customary to me was considered eye blinkingly odd to those around me in each of my temporary residence. Trying to explain what it was like where I came from was futile. Eventually I blended in...then we moved again. And again I became a stranger in temporary residence:
In my out of state college
In my new local area
In Northern California
In Northern Texas
In Southern Texas
In Utah....
Never, ever have I forgotten in each place that it was a temporary residences for me. My permanent address for the past 45 years has be Heaven. Sooner or later...and each day I know I am closer to finally no being a stranger, and closer to getting to go home.
I am so comforted by the phrase: All will have gone according to plan when Jesus Christ is revealed. So often I find myself recoiling at the "plot changes" in my life and in the world around me. Sometimes it feels like my life story is being written by multiple authors who haven't conspired to make a unified storyline. It seems they are determined to write in their own plot line with little regard to what when on in the pages written before.
I have to keep reminding myself that my life and my times are the result of One author who has begun the story at the foundation of the earth and who already written the final page, fully satisfied.
Which brings me to this post's title:
"Glorious Girdle"
Beth Moore spoke about 1 Peter 1:13:
"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ".
She explained that the word gird is the same word that is used in the word "girdle".
She told a funny story about how growing up in the South ALL women over the age of twelve wore girdles when they went whimpy things like today's spanxs, but heavy constricting garments that were designed to suck in the body from waist to low thigh. We laughed as she demonstrated how difficult they were to pull on and opined that perhaps the main reason women wore dresses to church back in those days was so that the girdle could be pulled off as soon as possible afterwards, sometimes even while sitting in the front seat of the car on the way home.
An image was artfully constructed: There is a need for each of us to pull on a head girdle, to restrict and suck in our thoughts from spreading out where they best be not spread out.
Thought of worry, thoughts of despair, thoughts of revenge, thought of lust springing freely from the fertile loins of the mind.
I just might have to scout up an old fashioned girdle, stick it on my head so I know what it would feel like to wear it thus, and then take a picture of myself so clad.
Isn't that a word picture to love? Never thought wearing a girdle would ever seem to be such a great idea.

The worship team was so energetic and the whole arena was up and singing along with joy and sometimes tears.
(It was right after the closing music of the first session that I looked around and realized for the very first time exactly why make up was forbidden for Christian women for so many years.
Pass the kleenex...blot those mascara runs, blusher and foundation smudges and lipstick smears.
If modern Christian women who once thought forbidding makeup was totally restrictive could have one look at themselves after a fervent worship session they would all rise up and demand to have that rule reinstated once again).

It was a glorious time, yes it was, yes it was.
The conference theme, taken from I Peter chapter one:
Five words:
When Jesus Christ is revealed.
Eight conference points:
1. Salvation finds it consummation...when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(We are saved and still being in process of being saved, until the when part happens.)
2. We will no longer feel like strangers...when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(Our current residence is a temporary one, no wonder we feel like strangers here on earth.)
3. For now fire burns off the fake in us, then Jesus Christ is revealed!
4. We will see the ultimate object of all our affections when Jesus Christ is revealed!
5. All will have gone according to plan when Jesus Christ is revealed!
(All those painful transitions and circumstances that life flowed in our directions: we will see that ALL was according to plan).
6. Sober up and act up until Jesus Christ is revealed.
(The multiple addictions designed to numb us so we will not act up and proclaim the truth: the need to sober up is a wide spread call to us all).
7. Love each other purely until Jesus Christ is revealed.
(Enough with this flippant saying "Love you!" business. Say I love you, put yourself out there to love, we can love only because HE first loved us).
8. All will be revealed when Jesus Christ is revealed.
After reading these eight proclamations, do you now understand why the tears flowed, the singing was loud and the time together was out of this world holy?
During the conference we all wrote down the words: I am a stranger temporarily residing in...adding the name of where we currently lived at the end.
After moving so many times, I know first hand the feeling of being a stranger and how hard it can be. What seemed customary to me was considered eye blinkingly odd to those around me in each of my temporary residence. Trying to explain what it was like where I came from was futile. Eventually I blended in...then we moved again. And again I became a stranger in temporary residence:
In my out of state college
In my new local area
In Northern California
In Northern Texas
In Southern Texas
In Utah....
Never, ever have I forgotten in each place that it was a temporary residences for me. My permanent address for the past 45 years has be Heaven. Sooner or later...and each day I know I am closer to finally no being a stranger, and closer to getting to go home.
I am so comforted by the phrase: All will have gone according to plan when Jesus Christ is revealed. So often I find myself recoiling at the "plot changes" in my life and in the world around me. Sometimes it feels like my life story is being written by multiple authors who haven't conspired to make a unified storyline. It seems they are determined to write in their own plot line with little regard to what when on in the pages written before.
I have to keep reminding myself that my life and my times are the result of One author who has begun the story at the foundation of the earth and who already written the final page, fully satisfied.
Which brings me to this post's title:
"Glorious Girdle"
Beth Moore spoke about 1 Peter 1:13:
"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ".
She explained that the word gird is the same word that is used in the word "girdle".
She told a funny story about how growing up in the South ALL women over the age of twelve wore girdles when they went whimpy things like today's spanxs, but heavy constricting garments that were designed to suck in the body from waist to low thigh. We laughed as she demonstrated how difficult they were to pull on and opined that perhaps the main reason women wore dresses to church back in those days was so that the girdle could be pulled off as soon as possible afterwards, sometimes even while sitting in the front seat of the car on the way home.
An image was artfully constructed: There is a need for each of us to pull on a head girdle, to restrict and suck in our thoughts from spreading out where they best be not spread out.
Thought of worry, thoughts of despair, thoughts of revenge, thought of lust springing freely from the fertile loins of the mind.
I just might have to scout up an old fashioned girdle, stick it on my head so I know what it would feel like to wear it thus, and then take a picture of myself so clad.
Isn't that a word picture to love? Never thought wearing a girdle would ever seem to be such a great idea.
Oh my...the picture in my head. Now I really need to gird up those thoughts and images. Good stuff Jill. Looking forward to that glorious day and looking unto Jesus the author and finisher is really the key.
Great word picture indeed! I was wondering what the title might have to do with a Beth Moore conference.
Your 8 points sound much like the 7 points in my notes from yesterday morning's message!
OH wow. .that is a word picture not easy to forget.
Those points from your conference sound like good stuff!
Every now and then it is so good to be with a large group of women .worshipping and learning and fellowshipping. .one with another.
Great post, Jill!
And, yeah, as a Southern-raised gal, we were encouraged to wear girdles beginning in Junior High School (back when young ladies wore only dresses to school and church)...but the tomboy in me had mastered the fine art of slipping that thing off with no one around me being the wiser.
Reading the headlines...watching the news...observing the events surrounding us...the girdle over our head sounds like a good idea to keep things OUT. However, I just try to stay focused on what is beyond us, what is to come...and wait [almost impatiently] to give up this temporary residence!
LOL about make-up. So true. Maybe we were all better without it. And I LOVED this post. I wish I had been there to hear it all.
Good post, Jill!
I remember those girdles. We all wore them...back in the day, yes?
Must say thanks again for your kind comments at my place.
Appreciate it.
wow.. that must have been an amazing conference! I love what you said about God having writtenrothe end.. the last chapter has been written and it's good. We will see clearly when Jesus is revealed.. so let us hold fast to our faith.
Thank you for sharing....I won't forget this...word pictures stick for me. The last chapter yet to come......what a day that will be!
Great summary but the end picture of a new kind of hat for you was quite the image. Thanks for sharing =)
Woops just realized I was signed in under my daughter's account...she was using my lap top this afternoon =}
Wonder how many comments I need to go back and change lol!
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