The Hiking Guide book featured the Silver Lake hike as "moderate", which is one step up from "easy". After last week's hike, we were up for the challenge! We decided we would get up early Saturday morning and hit the trail bright and early.
Our timing, in the end, proved perfect! Oh what we would have missed if we had headed out any earlier!
The guide book said the hike up would take about two hours and we would go through alpine meadows with frolicking moose.
We didn't see any moose....we did share the trail with a few dogs, a returning Boy Scout troop and a few toddlers though.
You take what you get...moose apparently do not feel obligated to frolic just because they were touted as doing such in some guide book. They probably don't even get paid when they do appear.
The water was quite low, which allowed the submerged rocks to reflect beautifully upon the lake's surface.
Rocky beaches, either oceanic or lake, are so much more interesting than plain sand beaches.
Bernie hiked on around the lake's edge as I angled for just the right shot to capture the lake's beauty.
Across the way the mountains seemed determined to shed down into the forests. How long will it be before that ridge is no longer above the timber line?
Later a couple of college age loons, er, I mean guys were jumping off that tall rock, their splashes were immediately followed by screams. The Scout Master we passed on the trail told us it had been below freezing at the lake the night before. You think that water was a tad cold? I suppose some people would have considered it to be invigorating. To each their own!
Bernie tossed a lure at the fish, and in a few minutes the first catch of the day was reeled in.
Nice brookie!
I shot about a hundred pictures....
Followed the tiny eight inch wide and half inch deep feeder streamlet up into the brush.
Then I found a comfortable rock on the shore where I plopped down an inflate able pillow and took a snooze.
Not a deep sleep mind you. I just enjoyed being a few feet from the stream so the sound of the water clicking over tiny pebbles lulled me enough to relax.
Each time I opened my eyes, the lighting had changed slightly and I'd take another picture.
My pillow and rock chaise lounge. It fit my body perfectly! No bugs either!
Now I could just swear that ridge has gotten lower while I slept...
Bernie called out to me, rousting me from a slumber: "'s a hatch! The mayflies are hatching and there is a rise!"
We had never seen the phenomenon before: the lake now had become the stage of a fish ballet. Trout were leaping everywhere on the lake, their mouths opened hugely as they lunged through the air at the passing mayflies.
The white specks in the photo above are the mayflies. The vertical white things are jumping trout!
The hatch followed the edge of the setting daylight on the water. I raced to the far shore to get as close to the fish as possible.
Each ring in the picture above marks the movement of a rising trout.
The lake was nearly completely in the shadows when we left. The temperature quickly dropped and we packed up for the hour long hike back down the trail.
Now remember I said earlier that we had been keeping an eye out for any fall color change as we hike up the mountain?
Remember I said that we only saw one golden tree? Well, this is how the mountainside looked on the way down.
We kept looking at each other, stopping and staring. Did we really not see all this color on the hike up? photos proved that the hillsides were green just hours earlier.
Now there were pops of yellow interspersed in with the green.
Could the trees really change color that fast? Apparently so!Absolutely astonishing! Had we hiked up earlier in the day we would have hiked down earlier. To think that we could have missed both the hatch and the color change!
At the trail head, the forest floor had also picked up some more color. this shot with the first one of Bernie on the trail. Do you see any of this kind of color around the trail before?
Bright and early at 11 a.m. is my kind of morning! And you're so right, it was God's timing to see all the delights that you would've missed if you'd left at 7. Exquisite photography...I really enjoyed reading about your hike and hearing about all the others who were on it as well. As for moose frolicking in the forest...way too dangerous for me. What a terrific fish ballet!
Wow what a wonderful spectacle you experienced for sure! That's the first time I've read or seen the May flies hatch and trout jumping to catch them. Beautiful scenery and photographs. God is good.
Dad and I just read your beautiful blog. We had seen a nature program one time seeing the May Fly hatching and were in awe of it. So glad you got to see the wonder of it and the changing landscape on your return.I know those fish tasted mighty good after the long hike to catch them...good for Bernie! Love, Mom
God placed you two in exactly the right place at the right time...and you got to sleep in a bit, too! ;) I love the photos...along with your narrative, I feel I'm right there with you!
How awesome is that? That was an experience of a lifetime...I'm sure. 'Five fish a-leaping'...sounds like a new stanza of the 'Twelve days....'.
Beautiful photos...all of them. Does the sun always shine on you over there?
I think the amazing quick-changing flora and the remarkable hatch and fish ballet sort of make up for the lack of frolicking moose. Frolicking moose might be rather frightening after all...they are so big!
Absolutely spectacular Jill, I love all the photos. You really have a gorgeous area there but I just blows me away how it is so similar to our area. It makes me want to drop my homework. .and take a gorgeous hike.
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