I rather enjoy farding personally.
My farding time in the bathroom, or while I am waiting at a stop light refreshes me and helps make me feel ready to take on life.
It is hard to image, but back in the 1700's women would invite their friends to come watch them as they would fard before going out.
Personally, I think that was a rather strange way to entertain...but who knows what they would of thought of our entertainment: going into dark rooms with bags of hot popped corn where nary a word is said, all eyes glued to bigger than life strangers doing strange things.
Speaking of strange things...I just finished watching a new beauty technique: Eyelash perming.
A small bendable rod about the size of a lollipop stick is stuck to the eyelids just above the eye lashes. The top of the rod then has a sticky substance applied, and one by one each eyelash is stuck to the rod.
Next a perming solution is brushed on. The solution smells just as you probably remember a perming solution smelling. (Admit it...you've had a perm at least once in your life. Wonder if they will ever make a come back? Probably; after all, wall paper is now the newest hot trend and that is something I thought would never be considered as a decorating element again.)
Awhile later the lashes are rinsed and release, now curling upwardly in a permanent graceful arch. So long eyelash crimper...hello one less step each morning on the pathway to beauty.
As Dolly Parton's character observed in the movie Steel Magnolias: "There is no such thing as natural beauty".
After a certain age, no truer observation can be made.
Eyelash perms will be offered at our school's clinic in six weeks. I plan to be first in line. I'm not sure how it will be to have eyelashes that have that distinctive rotten egg scent for awhile, but I am going to give it a whirl. Dye my lashes, then curl them. Perfect.
I think I'm going to love not having to mess with my eyelashes while I am farding in the morning.
*Fard: To paint the face with cosmetics.
(Thanks to RL for bringing this particular word to my attention!)
Humor, beauty and education...all on one blog. Sure did add a smile to my day. Please let us know what you think when your eyelash process is complete. Look out New York City runways! She'll soon be hitting the town.
What a hoot. I for one enjoy farding now and then too. I really think that the eyelash perm sounds fantastic . .and I'll investigate this as soon as I get lashes long enough to perm. Mine are becoming more pathetic with each month ..while I watch my grands lift their heavy lashes so innocently.
I'm going to do some farding right now. .I remembered now that this afternoon I was sitting in the truck ..waiting. .looking at my face and discovering a few misplaced dark hairs .. .I'll go deal with that now. .and then I'm going to fard on my lips a bit.
I've never had the patience to Fard...
So my face goes out in public generally without me Farding...
Sometimes for weddings I'll Fard :0)
I'm just not one for farding. I wear makeup ala Dolly Parton but I don't enjoy it. However, dyed eyelashes sound like a positive step in the direction of carefree beauty (as is tattooed eyeliner--a friend owns a cosmetic tattoo shop!)
I am all about the farding...
Too funny! Why have I never heard that word before? I shall see if I can bring myself to use it sometime. I'm not big into the practise...but a little is good!
Phew... I am glad you got to the definition LOL ! That was scaring me for a minute.
I am not much of a farder. hehe, I am still giggling. I just put the fard on when I go out...(RLOFL with tears coming down)
I can't wait to use this word.
RE/gardening till dark and spending too much:
It is difficult to pass by the lovely perennials. Always a long wishlist...
My daughter is the same way. She is buying many to plant next to the dawdi haus...
The eyelash color and perm sounds so nice...that tube of mascara is my best friend, yet the time necessary to fard is most despised. (Is that the correct usage of the word, Madame Librarian?)
Thank you for yet another little lesson!
No more lumpy mascara?? Yay!! let me know how it goes. I'd be a little nervous that they might burn off or something.
PS thanks for that little research piece - you do us librarians proud!
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