Lest you think I had forsaken Godly ways as practiced regularly in the southern Bible Belt, FYI: we did go to church Saturday evening and the dinner with Becky and Ray was served after a lively and inspiring Mennonite Church service. It was very modern; you would have to have looked closely at the building to catch that the service was Mennonite.
Isn't it funny how most of us never move on with cultural images? Like we would expect Quakers to be dressed like the guy on the oatmeal box.
Well, I do have to admit an Amish service would most likely still be exactly as you would imagine.
Terry and Lovella have a standing reservation at Starbucks each Sunday morning to meet with their care group (read: friends who also drink coffee.) The gals had lots to talk about, weddings and so forth. It was fun to listen in. I don't know what the other end of the table was chatting about, boy talk I think, cars and work and so forth.
We swung by this window, and I had to take a picture. A toonie is not an abbreviation for cartoon, rather it is what the Canadian two dollar coin is called. I'll have to check to see if we have similar two dollar Tuesdays in Texas.
Bernie and I have a custom of offering our two ridiculous boy cats a special treat every Sunday morning. Usually it is a can of what we call "stinky food", a gourmet wet cat food instead of their usual dry kibbles.
I had purposefully held back two of the four doggie lollipops for Sunday morning. After we got back from Starbucks, I offered on to Indee, hoping that by now she *might* be willing to be friends.
You can see her reaction to this attempt by clicking here. Be sure your sound is turned on!
(Maybe it was the singing that scared her...ya think???)

The treat that made BC famous: Nanaimo bars. Apparently it was named for the British Columbia city from which is was offered in a recipe contest back in the 1930's. Lovella and Becky both groaned and were most sorrowful that I did not have an opportunity to sample Lovella's Nanimo's recipe, which would have put Tim Horton's treats to shame.
I think I will give the City of Nanaimo's OFFICIAL Nanaimo Recipe a whirl some time soon. I thinking a splash of Kahula might be interesting as an addition somewhere in the mix though. Or maybe just next to the mix....in a shot glass.....
Anyway, back to the Adventure....
We picked up Ray and Becky and headed off to Vancouver.
It was such a nice day, great weather, and loads to look at out the windows as we drove.
It was even interesting to see the "bad" side of Vancouver, and I was interested in the billboards that flipped images every few moments.
BC is doing everything in its power to doll up for the 2010 Winter Olympics, so it will be interesting to see what will be shown on television three years from now.
While Toronto is arguably THE fashion center of Canada (I know because I've been there. Fabulous! Their textile museum was awesome! Not what you would think either...an entire show on black and white symbolism, and fetish wear. Oh my!)
Vancouver has some worthwhile fashion window peeping though.
The Mountie red serge is ALWAYS in fashion.
(It was vaguely disturbing to learn that Disney bought the rights to the image. I'm still thinking about what that would mean. I'd wonder if Disney would next make a grab for the tall bear hatted guard uniforms at Buckingham Palace. I am happy to report that after a little...ahem... research, that the image contract with Disney expired in 2000.)
Street scene (proof that the Canadian readers have fibbed about no one up there wearing hats...)
The fabulous hanging baskets...each one just glorious.
And the standard-issue-to-be-expected American policy critic.
Just remember...it was AMERICA that was the first country in the world to make Freedom of Speech a national right.
Chat it up, speak up, protest all you want, but be sure to give credit where credit is due.
And don't try this (pictured above) about certain groups that rule the Middle East. Those folks will stab you dead while you ride your bicycle if you try putting something up like this about them.
If the USA and Canadian troops fail in the Middle East, it might become necessary to start practicing censorship of speech, lest the experience of freedom of speech be available only at the cost of pain of death.
While I am not saying that I am positive that the way we are going about this task in the Middle East is flawless, I am definitely saying there is a threat out there, and it may already be too late to do much about it.
Librarians: On the front lines for freedom of speech, freedom of information and your right to view pornography in every public library.
(Um, for the record...I am only willing to fight for those first two things. That's why I work in a college library where we filter our computers. Thank God.) Vacouver has caught on to the Orange everything movement that is sweeping Europe....
It was great to see the Hudson's Bay Company acknowledged via this placque. Lovella, Becky and I had several conversations about how Americans view Canada, and what we teach about Canada in our schools. I assured them that we were all really glad that Canada had so few providences to memorize (I feel for them memorizing our fifty states...) but I forgot to tell them that we all learn about the Hudson's Bay Company. My first visit to Canada back in the 1960 had us visiting a Hudson's Bay Company store, and purchasing one of the famous striped blankets and oogling the furs.
I wonder how many Canadians know what their country's fossil gemstone is?
(It is gorgeous. I'd be happy to accept a piece Ammolite jewelry as a gift anytime, from any country.)
Pop quiz:
What is Canada's Gemstone? (not fossil gemstone.)
What is America's Fossil gemstone?
What is America's Gemstone?
How many people in the world know that Canada and America had official fossil gemstones?
Lovella will be sending the large green necklace to the first person who gets all four questions correct.
On to another wonder of British Columbia: A steam powered clock!
(See the steam coming out of the top?)
Pretty interesting invention. There is a series of sci-fi novels that feature a steam powered computer. Now wouldn't that be messy as a lap top?
The customized motorcycle show in Gastown featured at least one "girly-girl" bike.
Pretty in pink?
Lovella was feeling pretty as she posed in front of the John Casablanca modeling studio.
One person was obviously excited to see her pose
Oh wait...I think that person was pointing at the bike.
I think it is so funny how many people walk along with the cell phone glue to their ears.
Lovella, Becky and I kept noticing these two guys were following us every where.
They said they thought the guys were cute, and that they had great legs.
There were a LOT Of bikes, and the custom designs were pretty trick.
This one mystified me. It just doesn't seem possible that it would hold together when in motion. It reminded me of a wasp!
The exposed chain just seemed dangerous to me.
The chrome work was gorgeous though.
The crowds were pretty intense, but one of those two guys managed to keep up with us.
I know I was supposed to be looking at the cycles, but hey, weren't these just the cutest shoes passing by?
I do love kilts.
Just not this one.
It does look like a comfortable outfit however, and leggings under dresses and skirts are supposedly in vogue right now....
Lovella suggested I bring my darlin' Mr. B. a Cuban cigar back from Canada as a gift.
Since I am a law abiding citizen, I declined the suggestion, but it did get me thinking.
It seems so ridiculous that we ban Cuban imports when there are other countries of the world that are so very much more threatening to the security of the USA.
On the other hand, smoking one cigar is like smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, so perhaps if Cuba was free to start shipping their cigars to us, more people would engage in the unhealthy habit, smoking related cancers would rise, and that would be pretty awful too.
On the other other hand, we let people smoke cigars from other places, and let them decide if they want to risk cancer.
Oh shoot. I'm out of hands.
Discuss among yourselves while I figure out how I managed to have three hands there for awhile.
Lovella decided the guy following her was a keeper.
I think she gave him her number.
I think she gave him her number a few decades ago!
What do you suppose these things are?
That's what Lovella and I both wondered.
They are hard plastic shells with two holes. They are for children to play with.
I had to read the little booklet to figure out how to play with them.
Apparently you need a child like imagination to figure out that you can scoop water with them, sit in them, stand in them, put things inside of them, put them on your head as a hat, and on your back as a turtle shell.
I'm unconvinced that any child would squeal with delight upon receiving one of these things for Christmas.
(While I was studying up on these, Lovella was taking pictures of all the really really cute kids stuff in the rest of the shop.)
There has to be a lot more to the story about this building. I want to know the who, what, when and why.
(I'll research it some other day...)
The Christian motorcycle riders were also present. It was interesting to me that you really didn't need to look at the jacket to tell.
Some of the bikers just looked angry, or threatening while others looked relaxed and approachable.
I'd love to read a sociological survey done on the two groups, via pictures and reactions.
Parts of Vancouver are under serious construction. There were cranes everywhere.
Back to fashions....
Once we finished roaming through Gastown, we headed to the wharf area. I remember this place; I caught a cruise ship from here for my 25th wedding anniversary.
Another hanging basket. Lovella told me these baskets are VERY expensive to create and maintain.
The fuchia and lobelia were especially nice in this one.
A mermaid!
Love you Laura!
(My daughter loves mermaids.)
We girls were heading to Mecca....
a hat shop!
Becky got right into the spirit of the occasion. Who would of guessed she was a veiled cocktail hat type?
Lovella caught all of us trying on the hats, and blogged it on her post much better than I did.
Needed a picture to remember the brim design on this hat. Sort of a triangle, with the crown slightly offset. Very different, looked great on.
A very busy, very hot store, with so many people and so many lights. The menfolk chose to stay outside and watch a magic/comedy act.
Or do a demonstration with some of them.
Wouldn't that be interesting out front of the shop?
A close up of the subtle coloring of another hydrangea.
Inside the open market was a feast of color, fragrances, and textures.
Oh to have been able to taste just one of each kind of berry!
Another crowd shot. It was a very pretty Sunday, and I don't blame people for wanting to come out and enjoy.
Butter Tarts...mentioned as one of the signature foods of Canada in international cookbooks.
This was news to Becky and Lovella.
I'm not sure if Princess Cake is more of a UK invention that is found world wide, or just here, but they were pretty. I have no idea what kind of cake or filling is inside the rolled fondant icing.
Isn't it fun that bell peppers come in so many colors?
By the time we had walked through the market admiring all the food (and puzzling over how turkey sausage from a non-Mennonite area could possible be declared to be "Mennonite Sausage) we were famished and ready for dinner.
Dining on the waterfront is always a good idea. The salmon with blueberries and asparagus was delicious! Thank you Ray and Becky, for treating me to such a delicious meal in such a lovely location!
As soon as we finished our meal we headed over to the big event:
The Bard on the Beach: A production of Shakespear's Taming of the Shrew, done western style.
It was such fun, and I could just imagine the Bard himself laughing along with us, and thinking "Now this was exactly what I had in mind, except that I wrote the play a few hundred years too soon. Western style is just the thing for this play!"
If you have Windows Media or Quicktime installed, you can watch the high points of the play here.
What a day! Aside from missing Bernie, and thinking that this is what it must feel like to be a widow as I trailed behind the two happy couples escorting me about, it was absolutely wonderful.
Thanks Terry for driving, Lovella and Becky for planning, Ray and Becky for dinner, and fleetfooted Ray for coffee at intermission!
Ya'll are just the best!
That was such a fun day. I did enjoy it from beginning to end. We did enjoy having you there to see all the sights and especially the play. Truly my favorite part.
I'll get back to you on the questions, (not that I plan to cheat outright) . ..I just need to think on it .. .
Oh and thanks for the heads up about the prizing . . .
Oh and Indee says to say you can come back anytime and she's sorry she was such a scaredy cat.
Jill, it is always such fun to view one's own country through someone else's eyes !!
I believe Jade is Canada's official gem stone but I'm not sure about the answers to the other questions.... :-( I would guess the answer to the last questions is 'not many!' smile
PS. I never lose my sense of humor, Jill...if something strikes me funny, I can laugh- even through pain!!
Scaredy cat?
You mean scaredy DOG don't you?
Indee: Butch up girl!
Tiggie, FOC
Wow! This post was candy for the eye! I loved all the photos and the commentary! What fun!
I'll agree with Julie...I believe the jade is the official gemstone of Canada. When I was traveling through the YT a few years ago, Doc and I ran across a massive sheet of jade, and I believe that was noted alongside it. I also have a pic of me with that piece of jade...I was trying to figure out how to slip it into my pocket or backpack.
What a wonderful day that was! Thanks for recording it!
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