My only excuse: We had been out late and up early. And it there was a lot of orange in the dining room.
That'll never happen.
Every city has SOMETHING to go see. You just have to WANT to see. So you can take a picture. And post it on your blog.
Right Lovella?
After breakfast we checked out of the hotel, and waited outside for a cab to take us back to the castle.
Now isn't that a fun way to start the day? Can't you just hear it?
"Darling, after breakfast would you be a dear and call a taxi? I'd like to go to castle early today, before it gets too hot."
Here's my darlin' husband, with his umpteenth cup of espresso, waiting for the cab.
Sherman has donned his new hat. (SWOON)
(Update: It is a needle and thread...and the word "millinery" comes from the word "Milano", see the comments of this blog from Kate, my millinery guru and co-traveler. She was the one who snapped the picture above!)
Not sure what this was about...I think it would be a great ad for bladder control products. He seems to be in distress, with an urgent need to find the WC.
If I was to select a tapestry from the collection, I would have wanted this one. It contained several stories that featured Elijah and Elisha.
The men had gone on ahead of us, Kate and I were enjoying discussing the art and the clothing styles and all of that stuff. Sherman came back to check on us. I wonder if he was wondering what we exactly were doing that was taking so long.
Here's what was going on. Flirting...
Pinching...don't you try to look innocent, I felt that!
A little more flirting....
Sherman gave us a look, and Kate and I sobered up and got back being proper, and continued on, properly viewing the exhibit.
The more I looked at this the more I the sheep on the hillside behind the couple.
Grief portrayed so realistically, it was made your heart heavy even just looking at the hand holding Christ.
We never did figure out what this was but the angels surrounding the doorway seemed so expectant, it was had to pull away from this piece.
The body posture of this little piece struck me, the motion of breeze playing against her skirt, and the strenght of her body as she walked. An angel with juliet sleeves...again, modern for that time period. Would we consider portraying angels in contemporary dress?
A rambunctious Child, this bebe reminded me of my children,who never seemed to rest placidly against me, but rather were always reaching and leaning out to enter into the world around them, while anchoring themselves with one hand on my blouse. The mother looks so childlike herself. Did the artist create based on his own experiences with babies?
What did this look like before it was broken? And where did it go? It must be the three muses I think. Mrs. Vanderbuilt had three daughters and used the three girl muse motif thoughout her home, which I thought was a dear touch. Considering the tummies and strong upper legs, fleshy backs and hips, I think I like these girls! Not quite Rubenesque, but healthy.
A hat of sort. Love the hair and the flower. I'd enjoy having her as a statue in my home.
The details of the lace on the pillow, the tassles, the seashells, but most of all the serene face. It was so tempting to touch and smooth out the folds of his tunic. (He also looked a bit like Matthew McConaughey.)
The three dimensional details just blew my mind, all those horses and I could almost see the dust rising from the field of battle.
Fashion break...a white cotton skirt with a darling hem, and TWO purses. She looked so cool and fresh!
Several of the rooms had beautiful ceilings. This orange and blue number was caught on camera by Kate, the other rooms just didn't come out as well. Too dark, and flash was not permitted.
It was just a passing flirtation, a few glances, a sigh, and then a kiss...I was lonely, my husband wasn't paying attention to me, and before I knew it, my heart was being sought by a handsome stranger.
Bernie, looking up, saw the indiscretion, and ablaze with jealosy, immediately challenged the man to a fight. I was captivated by his valor, his passion, and fell in love with my husband all over again.
(Actually, the bust looks a bit like Bernie, don't you think? Ahh, what's a trip to Italy without a little Italian amore? And isn't amazing how close they let you get to museum art work in Italy?)
The real reason why we were at this particular museum was to see the unfinished Michangelo Pieta, known as the Rondanini Pieta. Bernie had written a paper about Michangelo in college and the opportunity to see this work of his art was of particular interest to him.

It is the legs, the almost finished part that really captivated me. A big chunk of white marble, and out of it comes legs so realistic you can almost see skin and pulse. Kate said she got to see a museum display of several pieces of incomplete human form sculptures and that it was just awesome to see how the pieces emerge from the marble. I kept thinking of the Magician's Nephew, the C.S. Lewis story that covers the creation of Narnia. From mud animals appeared, the same sort of feeling was in this scupture. As if at any moment it would just sigh and the rest of the figure emerge.
Michelangelo died before he completed this work, and reportedly he was undecided about several aspects of the design; the placement of the feet of Christ in particular.
We needed to catch a taxi to the train station. Walking through the castle courtyard, it was difficult not to linger and take more pictures.

Bernie pulling my suitcase, wearing a backpack with his stuff. It was HOT, and he informed me later that from now on, all overnight luggage would be handled by myself. It was pretty brutal pulling the suitcase over cobblestones, and it really did make me rethink my travel needs.
Kate and I are still capturing street fashion as we walk along.
Having an orange red bra should be of interest to everyone, don't you think? Love the dress, love the shoes, I'll have to think about peeping bra lines.

Friends, and fashionistas...wonder if we are on someone else's blog for street fashion?
A sweet kiss by the fountain.
And another kiss...maybe we should head home now.
With one last look, we say good bye to the Italian castle, and catch a cab to the train station.
It is a massive place!
People everywhere, some in orange shorts!
One pidgeon seemed to be on his way to somewhere too.
Fashion watching in the train station: Very high heels with knee length jeans.
Colorful trash cans and orange, of course.
And a future fashionista. Great look with those fun polka dotted round toed flats.
Clever Kate dashed into the shop in the train station and stocked up on fashion magazines to read on the trip home. I LOVE traveling by train, it is so comfortable and fun to visit face to face, share snacks, and be able to walk around and visit the ladies room without disrupting the trip. The four hours just flew by.
My one shot out of the back of the train, catching a huge waterfall that Sherman says is always running on the mountain, even in the heat of summer.
Lake Como, with gorgeous resort places around it. A quick train station stop at Como allowed us a glimpse of more Italian romance.

Orange buildings. These kinds of cube apartment complexes were in several places, sometimes in red or blue, but mostly it seemed like they were colored orange.
Home again in St. Gallen. It was very warm, and a cool drink in the patio in shorts sure felt good. Switzerland was having an unseasonable heat wave. We sat outside, and had cheese and wine, and other treats until the sun went down.
Then we climbed up on the rooftop and enjoyed the cool air and listened to the birds and the bells and the amazing town of St. Gallen in the moonlight. It had been another fabulous day and that was a perfect ending.
WOW! It was another long day, phew I'm tired of travelling now for a bit anyway, thanks again...and I think my favourite part was seeing all the beautiful fashion.
Oh I felt terribly excited when I saw that I own one item that one of the local Italians also had.
I bought red round toe flats with white polka dots this summer. Phew, I'm not a total fashion loss. Mind you, the little gal could just be a Canadian tourist.
I've had this crazy desire to wear orange in the last few days.
I must say, your Bernie does have a possessive streak in him doesn't he? How fun to tease him mercilessly, flirting with those men. Oh Jill, you make museums such fun.
I was wondering how many blogs you would be showing up in and smiled when you mentioned the same thing. It does make you wonder eh?
Ahhhhh la bella Italia! Missing it already. Milliners take note that colorful bit of sculpture is a needle and thread piercing the street and coming back up. My picture was snapped from the taxi and doesn't do it justice but you can see the knot eh? Remember that the word millinery is derived from Milano, the center of Italian fashion. I just LOVE Italy. K Q:-)
Oh, my goodness!
I appreciate the pictures and narrative --- seems almost like being there with you all.
Jill, if I ever get to go to Europe I am not going without you!!
What a great narative/photo job of capturing your experiences!!
I specially loved the fairy princess chandelier and the romantic door in your previous post and the catedrals and sculptures and tapestry (I would love to have the Elija/Elisha one!)
I LOL at your 'guy' with bladder problems...I noticed you didn't flirt with him!!!!
Thank you for the wonderful arm chair tour!!
OHhh, I almost missed this entry of yours! I was at that Milan train station a couple of times. We sat out front with the drunks, almost having one of them fall asleep on my lap ~ it was the only shade in the area ~ rather an awkward moment! Lake Como AHhhhhhhh.... We had far too short of a stay in Belagio. What a beautiful place! I must go back! Thanks for sharing the memories! It would be far too much fun travelling with friends (not that Ray isn't my friend, but he doesn't have the same interest in the fashions) I would love to go back in real time!
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