I knew that this is a very old straw visor, based on the straw braid, and the fabric used in the bow trim.
I knew it would be best to dust the ribbon and straw with a fine paint brush. All the light colors in the back bow, (shot #3) is actually dust.
And I knew to use a vacuum to delicately get deeper dust out (a tactic that will remove smoke smell from hats and other porous items, by the way)
And I knew steam should revive the bows, and lift the creases out.

I also got rid of the character.
(picture one is before, two is after)
The ribbon is a taffeta, and is the darkest shade of denim. There is slight fading. Maybe I can take the ribbon off, make the hat a bit larger, for a better fit, and flip the ribbon over and try for the prior look.
Or maybe I should just leave well enough alone.
The hat has no label, so no designer offense could be taken if I tried something different. The hat is a tad too small to wear (notice how it sits high on Joan's head), and the straw is just darling, so I could make it fit me if I re-did it completely.
Wish my friends who would give me their opinion.
Please? What do you think?

Hi Jill,
You're right. Flattened ribbon looks better but who knew? From the picture the visor looks like it's made of stitched straw braid which would have to be completely taken apart to make the hat larger (unless you want to slash it, which I doubt). Likely if you take it apart you'll have more of the fading problem where straw didn't overlap. Better to use this hat to make a pattern and start fresh with another straw braid.
BTW: Switzerland is again making that cellulose straw braid that was popular in the 50s and 60s. Looking for a local source but haven't seen any here yet. HAVE seen some black hats in Zurich made of it for over 300 CHF. K Q;-)
mom~ ditch the purple, go white gauzy with pale blue accents. why not?
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