My inspiration was the Fleur de Paris hat box, which is pink overlayed with black lace. I went a little peachier than their pink, more skin toned.
It is a great delight for me to have my own work space. Bernie helped me decide how it should function, and most of the items were available at Ikea, such as the glass fronted book cases and the tall cabinets. We worked together to put it all together.
My trusty Kenmore sewing machine, now 30 years old, it was the state of the art when I received it as a college graduation present. It still works great. But I'd like to give a serger a whirl.
The poster above the machine is from Haute Hats, a hat show staged at The Houston Museum of Fine Arts. The show had the biggest opening night crowd on record!

My books are shelved by topic, like a good little librarian ought to shelve her books.
Notice the styling girl on the chair pillow! Nice hat!

Come by some time! I serve my guests pink champaign, and we try on hats for fun. Everyone just loves this room!

I'm on my way!! Get out the glasses!
I just love your hat room --- and the boudoir hat you made in those colors. Showcase that one soon, please.
Ah yes! I remember that Lace Stocking cocktail B served us there too! LOVE your room! As you know, it inspired my own pink studio (now left behind in TX. Pink is so inspiring, don't you think? K Q:-)
Jill...Jill...JILL!!! I want to see a photo of the room MID-project...in the midst of creating..you know..with little bits strewn about!! ...unless you truly ARE one of THOSE who has an underling to pick up after you..
You are too funny, btw...
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