Monday, April 16, 2012

The Earth Sings...

I've heard it said that the earth sings in flowers.

Right now there is quite a chorus being sung in my garden.

Mt. Olympus, as seen from our back yard lawn area.
It is still snow capped.
(OK fine!...actually it was snow COVERED just two days ago...)

The Southern California girl in me is still in awe of Bleeding Heart blooming in my own garden.

I will  be adding the golden leafed white blossoming Bleeding Heart variety to the garden this week when it becomes available at our garden center.

I have found that to really enjoy Bleeding Hearts, I need to be inches away from the blossoms.
The dew that clings to the white dart area astonishes me.

Will you laugh if I tell you this makes me think of two lips?
(Wonder what the tulip would say if it could really speak).

Paint brush like strokes and pencil sketched lines on tulip favorite kinds each have those details.

This one is the same variety as the tulip in the next picture.

Yet each is so unique.

A litter of tulips...a flock of tulips...a chorus of tulips?
Need to learn the collective noun for tulips. 

We planted several dozen more tulips last fall.
Next fall...I think we will double that number again.
That thought is true for all my spring blooming bulbs. 
How can anyone NOT plant spring blooming bulbs???

I took a little drive over to Millcreek Canyon on Sunday afternoon.  Not much going on up in the canyon as of yet...just the slightest breath of green to be seen in the forest.
On the way home I had to pull over.
I spotted this nest in a tree...had to get a picture of course!

Isn't that a messy looking nest?
I am sure it is quite snuggy nice inside...but thought the mother bird might be a bit surprised by the now leafing out branches that anchors the nest.
Spring is in full color every where now.
I'm sure we will still have a rainy days and even some snowy days to come.
But for the most truly is springtime!


ellen b. said...

Beautiful Jill. I really enjoy seeing bleeding hearts...

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Brilliant Spring flowers are always such welcome sights after the grey days of winter. I wish tulips lasted longer but they sure do add joy and color to a garden!

Vee said...

You have a wonderful garden all abloom. Yes, I did see the two

Judy said...

Beautiful! The earth is singing over here as well...and I'm humming along.

Kathy said...

This is "our Father's World". Stunning, delicate, worth pausing for.

Lovella ♥ said...

Beautiful photos Jill! Your flowers are a bit ahead of mine. I just took a look at my bleeding heart yesterday and the hearts are still snugged in their bud.

Wish I could walk through your garden with you today.