Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An Aware Citizen

I had a wicked thought when I saw this home.
Wouldn't it be funny to sneak over in the middle of the night and add a few more lawn signs for imaginary candidates running for imaginary positions?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with keeping up with local and regional issues?
I sure do.
Then there are the non-votable issues like reading up on speakers at the local six mosques, what is happening in the stock market, job market, and housing market.
And there are the personal issues like keeping up with hair cuts, skin examines, weigh gain, and household and garden needs.
Plus keeping up with family life, via phone and facebook.
How many of these details can be safely ignored?
And for how long?
What is the longest you have ever "ditched" life for a vacation?
What issues have you permanently turned a blind eye to?
What issues do you secretly feel like you to take up?


Lovella ♥ said...

well. .it's pretty bad when I am up in the middle of the night just trying to catch up .. oh vey.
I wish I lived in your neighborhood. .since I'm up anyways, I could add a sign or two.

Vicki said...

Adding more signs would have been pretty funny! :)

Life has too many details and problems and schedules and recent two-week vacation wasn't long enough, nor was it the longest escape from real life we've ever made. (That would be the three weeks in AK, WA, BC, and YT...which followed on the heels of four weeks in KY preparing for Laura's wedding.)

We're ready for another visit to SLC! :)

Judy said...

Add a few signs, Jill...and go take another picture. Smile.

Checking out for a couple of weeks on occasion is the best! Of's double the stress before and after to be sure every detail is looked after.