Ring any bells?
Remember when I cleaned out my shoe collection and these got pitched because both Laura and Bernie thought they were just awful?
Hmmm....my Modrian styled shoes apparently weren't out of style after all...
(But they still were not comfortable...so out they went.)
It all comes back, doesn't it? But the "new" shoes are flats, aren't they! Much more comfortable. I have given up any shoes with heels over one inch. I love comfort!!
Comfort is important these days, I have found - more important that style sometimes! These shoes take me back a few decades...and here they are again.
Still glad they are gone. Still glad you did not buy the new ones. Still horrid. Still love you!
Jill, history seems to be repeating itself faster and faster. Do you remember the small floral prints that we wore in the 70's particularly in button up shirts? The gap has them now and I am nearly certain the blue one is the exact same cotton my button up blouse was.
It is quite fun to watch the fashions come around again. I've been told by a reliable source never to wear exactly what I once did ever again. (it's a good thing no one knows exactly what I once wore but me)
Oh yeah...I remember the Modrian dresses and white gogo boots, too...
whooo boy...
Looks like Courreges(spelling?)from the sixties!
Next Wed.12th
we are having a blog day featuring doors -not sure how hats would fit in but perhaps the door to a hat shop?
Aye, yi, yi - I like both pair. :) but probably would not wear either one.
Found a shoe for you to consider. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=7593001
Remember, they were not comfortable. And I have to stack hands with Laura. They were not flattering. Your beautiful, shapely, small feet deserve better.
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