Here's another hint.

The soft foamy pad is a real improvement since the last time the girls had to come for a visit.
It used to be a frosty occasion all around.

(It should...)

(That's Debbie, and she was really nice and gentle. )
The "Owie" part lasted only about 6 seconds on each side.
Not so bad.
My oncology nurse daughter tells me about how bad it can be to go through treatment if breast cancer isn't detected early.
Twelve seconds of "oww"...glad to do it!

They're rather small compared to Janet Jackson's exposed pasty, but since they really aren't wardrobe, small is better.
The silver bead in the middle will help the radiologist identify what part of the picture is the nipple.
They were held on with a sticky backing that did just that: stick.
Ouch and OUCH coming off....

Back out into the Kingwood Medical Center Mall.
The storefronts are actually doctor offices!
Very cheery.
I'm glad that is over for the year, and I have every reason to believe that both girls are just fine.
Afterwards, I took them out and treated them to a brand new comfy cotton bra.
They deserved it!
Please be sure to get your "girls" in for their "close-up" too.
Remind your friends and loved ones to schedule an appointment.
Because as most of us women know... our bras are dingy and we need to go get a new one anyway.
What better way to inspire a shopping trip to the lingerie department than
as a way to reward "the girls" for being so good during their yearly picture taking session.
When is your appointment?
If you haven't got one already, make one today!
you are just a hoot. I was so obedient and studied each picture so carefully trying to guess. I just love a quiz. I laughed out loud when I saw where we were. I always go for my "close up" in Feb. for my birthday. The other day when you took pictures of the grocery store I laughed as well. Now Terry and I had a date tonight and the whole time I was wishing I had my camera.
I hope all the news will be good.
word to the wise... any time you have to apply sticky "pasties," mammogram nipples, bandaids, ekg stickies, 12 lead ekg leads...anything that hurts to pull off, if it only has to be on for a short time: apply to inner aspect of forearm and rip off, then apply to the correct part of the anatomy. The tape sticks less and pulls off easier. Trust me...after years of tape instead of bras, I know better. Then nursing thing added to the knowledge....Laura
great job jill!!!!! hopefully it will encourage all who read your blog to go get the girls taken care if, if they have put them off. you have such a way with words!!!
Jill, I'm suspecting that my computer refused to send my last comment so, well, so you don't think I was uncaring about your appointment yesterday, here is another shot at it.
I wanted you to know, that I really tried to guess, I looked at each picture and wondered where we were. I laughed when I realized we were in the mammogram shop. What is wrong with us that we don't want to risk missing an opportunity for a good shot and now we take our camera everywhere? Perhaps in Feb, when I'm due for my close up I'll take my camera along as well. If the 1st comment has now arrived, just delete that one, we don't want to be boring.
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