Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blooper Reel: Just call me Sparkle Plenty!

You might recall a very long post I did back in December about how I was attending many free holiday events in our area.  I managed to get in a two free concerts, a free Diwali celebration that included a free Indian dinner, and a few other events as well.

What I didn't report on was this event:

Now doesn't that sound like something right up my alley?

A free showing of a
photographer's photos of the Wasatch mountains in four seasons at Our
Lady of Snows Catholic Church.

I showed the little article to Bernie, taped the cut out bit into my daily notebook and it was a SLAP (what the "kids" text to each other as short hand for Sounds Like A  Plan.) 

We hadn't been to any gallery show opening in a year or more; art show openings have often made a great date night outing for us; a chance for me to dress up just a tiny bit, often donning a more whimsical hat that I usually dare to wear, and usually there is wine and cheese and other tidbits offered to the attendees who tend to wind up chatting and enjoying the art and spontaneous conversations.

So when Monday Dec. 2nd rolled around, I gussied up just a bit for the show.

I  put on hat with a rhinestone feather that had years ago belonged to my "Belle of Memphis" grandmother....

(It is a lovely warm hat and it was deeply below freezing where the show was to be held...)
 and I wore sparkly knit sweater and long beads, in art-show arty

We drove up into mountains to the church. As we drove by it we could
see a wall sized projection of a photo inside the front window so we
were sure this was the right place.

Inside was a sculpture of Our Lady of the Snows Mary (thankfully NOT
on skies...) and about 14 young adults in typical grubby cold weather
gear seated in folding chairs in rows.

As we walked in the photographer running the laptop projection
welcomed us and asked us what we did.


Bernie quickly said he was an engineer and that I supported him (har!)
and we sat down.

The photo show continued; each was related to avalanches.  Great
photos of avalanches billowing down mountainsides, snow ridges about
to fail, and post avalanche destruction scenes.

"Not great pictures artistically but very interesting" I thought to myself.

The photographer then began to discuss pictures of beacons that skiers
wear, rescue dogs, and how in worse case situations lines of people walk
shoulder to shoulder with probing sticks to recover bodies.
Kind of weird for a photographic art show but, again, interesting.

He showed 68 photos and after the first group was finished I figured
he would move on to the next "season" in the Wasatch mountains; wondering to myself if he would show spring flowers or autumn leaves.

Instead he handed out a hand book and instructed everyone to turn in a
form to the ski resort office to show that we had attended the ski
patrol avalanche training class.


Oops! We had the right place but the wrong Monday night! No wonder
the guy asked what we did...and why everyone was looking at two semi
dressed up almost 60 year olds showing up for avalanche training!

Good grief. 
Bernie had to be in Puerto Rico the following week and I didn't feel comfortable driving up into the mountains in the dark during a snowstorm so I never did get to attend this show.
Maybe our local bookstore will carry the book?
And maybe I will learn how to pay closer attention to numbers that are related to event dates in the future too?


ellen b. said...

That is hilarious! What fun to mess with their minds like that...

Lorrie said...

At least you'll know what to do in case of an avalanche. HA!

Vee said...

Only you, Jill! You aced them on style!

Judy said...

That is just too funny! Did you feel a little over-dressed?

Marg said...

You've got me giggling...sounds like someone had to practice his skills.
Oh well...I can just see you all dazzled up. No wonder he asked you what you were doing?

Kathie said...

Haha - hilarious! I'm grinning away - thanks Jill!