Friday, July 09, 2010

My favorite Woodcutter is at it again...

The backyard ash tree keeps trying to put crowding moves on to the backyard sequoia tree. The long lanky growth was making a tangle and prevented a clear view of the other tree from my kitchen window. Something (in my humble opinion)HAD to be done.
Enter my hero, armed with a chain saw on a stick!
How cool is that? Just stick the blade up to a branch overhead and have at it!
We rented the tool at 6 pm on Wednesday evening, and returned it at 9 pm after we finished the clean up of all the cut down branches.
(The shot above: an example of a branch that needed to be removed so I could get a good view of the sky!)

Once a year the SLC county parks dumpsters at every other house for people to use for yard and garage clean up.

A whole lotta tree trimming goes on just prior to the dumpster's one day placement, and it is a race to get your stuff into the dumpster before it fills up. Bernie climbed in the one we were using to stomp down some of our branches. The pine tree that we cut down earlier also went in to the container. Plus several lawn bags from other neighbors...

I was pleased with how the tree trimming turned out. Hart had to check it our for himself. still works fine as a scratching post.
No complaints here.
Whoo hoo!
Bernie got to use a chain saw on a stick!
Just ask any male you come across if they would like to have a go with such a thing.
I'll bet they will say yes...


ellen b. said...

Oh well look at that. I love that nifty tool and I'm so impressed with the dumpster deal. Boy could we use a dumpster twice a year around here!!
Well done Mr. Woodcutter!

Lovella ♥ said...

What a great little tool and now B has something to tick off his list of used tools that T hasn't had yet. ..and what a nifty rule to have the container parked in front of your yard .. .that is so wonderful. So ..the view was better then? I bet.

Judy said...

Give a guy a chain saw and let him go at it...and he's happy!

A dumpster day in the neighbourhood sounds like an excellent plan.

L&D said...

That thing is testosterone on a stick. Wow.
Honestly, I'd be a little intimidated by it....but guaranteed, the menfolk would froth at the mouth over it.

Glad you got your scenic view.