Four inches of snow had fallen about us.
She patiently camped out on our cosy and snow free welcome mat and waited for us to be hospitable.
We weren't.
We were on the way to church.
I've heard that some folks think that all Christians are hypocrites.
I guess I'm confessing here: On Sunday we too were hypocrites.
We didn't mean what we said on the door mat.
At least not for cats.
We bid her Good Cheer and drove off in our warm heated car.
Other pussy types were also found on our street. They too were burden with the shift in weather. The warm temps had said "Welcome Spring!" but the truth was it is still winter.
As a poem I read put it:
March I hate you
You are holding hands with spring
But you are married to winter.
Hypocritical March had deal cruelly to the pussy willows as well.
Pussy cats, pussy willows and fir trees alike were confronted with the truth: Yes, it is still winter.Wearing white: isn't that a summer fashion?
No, wearing white is a winter thing around here.
Fluffy caps top the fence; these are not to be confused with the lovely bonnets of spring.Missy had visited via a walk through the snow.
What a long cold walk she had on her way to visit such a heartless neighbor!
Confessions: Secretly, I'm not ready for spring. I haven't had my fill of winter artistry yet.Two tone trees rising from blankets of white make me happy.
The view from the end of the street across the valley to the snow covered mountains: I'm in no hurry to see the mountains bare once again.Seeds can wait to sprout.
Branches heavy with snow can stay.
My view from the kitchen window can remain a study in black and white.
I can rejoice in this day of winter.
A day which proved to be just as hypocritical as I am; for five hours later all the snow was gone.
The weatherman says it will be warm on Monday.
Spring will flirt with me, but I know the truth.
We still have six more days of winter to go.
And that is only reckoning by the calendar.
Who knows what seasonal displays are yet to be enjoyed between now and the rest of the month?
Oh March.
You are such a tease.
I'm enjoying your photos of all that lovely snow (I especially like the "black and white" view out your kitchen window)...they say it'll be in the 80's here today; Spring has arrived and Summer is right on her heels, or so it seems.
Winter is shown so beautifully in your photos! Gorgeous.
OH I so enjoyed the little poem. .what truth it speaks.
Your pictures are beautiful and can almost make one happy that the warm days are not quite here yet.
I love your pictures...the little poem...your prose...but I'm still enjoying one of those fantastic Florida winter days! I dread spring means hot, humid weather and hurricanes are right around the corner.
I love how you brought that all together...That's what is so much fun about blogging...see life through someone else's eyes....
Thanks for your illustrative post.
I'm just popping by to catch up on all things new...and here I find snow. Nice pic's though...and cute poem!
One can tell you were a California girl because you enjoy the change of seasons so much in S.L.C. We have very little change of seasons here and some call it boring but we do have our own beauty year around. Miss you, Mom
Your winter is truly beautiful! I love all the seasons but have always thought March the hardest month. I have daffodils, crocuses and Lenten roses blooming and tulips will be out soon. Plan to spend all day in my garden tomorrow. Yippeee! K Q:-)
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