Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Hints and Sightings

The house got a few decorative touches to remind us that Valentine's Day was coming...

A wooden heart was added to the frame of our Christmas anniversary picture...

Woven paper hearts...

Topped our window view to outside...
Where a Valentine flag made for a bright spot in our wintry garden.
For days now the lamp post has been festooned with clinking beads and hearts that blow merrily in the breezes.
Inside, at last, an African violet that traveled with up from Houston has bloomed beside the candle bearing cherub.

Just little hints of romance here and there.

So sweet...but we weren't there enjoying them on Valentine's Day.

We left for a more steamy means of celebration!

Oh yeah...the Valentine's Weekend Tryst was ON! was a Valentine's Day, on Chinese New Years, during President's Day Weekend, which happened to also be taking place during the Winter Olympics.
"Sweet" alone just wasn't going to cut it for us this year.

With all that going on, how could we not be inspired to turn up the heat this year?

Come by tomorrow to see Bernie and Jill's Valentine's Tryst 2010.

(Don't worry...the pictures may be steamy, but in a totally G-rated way)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Happy Chinese New Years!

Happy President's Day Weekend!


Go Team USA!



Lovella ♥ said...

Oh it looks so festive there Jill .. .and I will certainly be back for the steamy pictures. . .for sure. . hugs my friend.

ellen b. said...

Love the Valentine touches! It really was a packed weekend for sure...

Marg said...

Yes, we're cheering you on when our Canadians stumble...
We'll be back for sure looking for those steamy shots...I might have to close my eyes.

Judy said...

Well I'm sure you had a fabulous time! Let me guess...steamy...means hotsprings...right? I'll be back to catch the full report!

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

You teaser you! I love all your festive hearts and beads and candles.