Sunday, October 25, 2009

Commuting while Communing

The drive home each weekday evening is usually beautiful here. The mountains are either spring green, autumn speckled, or frosted white with snow.
As I head home the western sunsets reflect upon the eastern peaks, turning them rich and glowing red gold.

And some days I find myself driving through double rainbows too.

With my camera at hand I quickly snap both sides of the rainbow as I drive ...the first picture shows the right hand side of the bow, while the picture above and below captures the left hand side. I have found a glorious place to live.
Some say Utah is America's best kept secret.
Shhh...don't tell anyone that I've told you!
(I had to tell someone...some secrets are just too good not to share!)


Vicki said...


The Master Artist did it again!!

Lovella ♥ said...

I smiled at the shot. . .I was driving through a tunnel of color yesterday and just had to try a shot as well.


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Lovely views, Jill. Makes driving home after a busy day at work a double pleasure, I imagine.