To get from San Diego to Coronado Island, you go over a bridge.
You can look back to downtown San Diego from the bridge.

I was interested in see the new Coronado Library and its installation of Wizard of Oz glass art in their children's library.
The above picture is not a main entrance. Sure looks like it should be, huh?

I suppose everyone who isn't a librarian is asleep by now.
Hang in there, it gets better....

No reason not to commemorate his literary achievement anyway.
These are glass panels with the designs stained upon/inside the glass.

I had to laugh, as my Children's literature professor has an entire Beatrix Potter room in her home, and took a tour of England to each spot where Beatrix presumably painted her scenes in her little stories.
The same prof also took a tour of every town Laura Engels Wilder of Little House on the Prairie fame lived.
But wait! That's not all! She also had an entire room dedicated to dolls!
She also collected all stuff animals that were originally book characters.
Librarians...what a whacky group we are.

Better...gingerbread houses of places in Coronado.
Best: Gingerbread Aquatic Center, with plump gingerbread water aerobic ladies in sunglasses doing their morning work out!

Hord was responsible for a great deal of exceptional art, ranging from LA County Court House facade art, to San Diego State University's Montezuma sculpture.
Hord lived next door to my dad when my dad was a kid.
He paid my dad to sweep out his studio, a great kindness during the Great Depression.
I met him once myself.
His studio was impressive, and his artwork still thrills me.

Lovely library.
And I'm not even posting all the great stuff in the children's library.
Let's just say it's a Magical place, and Dorothy and the Gang should be proud to provide an entrance to such a Magical place.
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